Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December Daily-Day 17

Today was a very good day. Mysterious, but good. The person(s) behind this mystery will get a kick out of this story, that's for sure!

So as I said in my last post, I watched Reid today. Late this morning, there was a knock at my door. But I didn't hear it. Teagen hears it and comes to tell me there is a man at the door with a present. I am thinking its FedEx, because those guys knock and leave the package. I think nothing of it and continue my business. Again a knock. OK this time I realize it is not FedEx and I peak. Crap. I am in PJ's and not answering the door this way. Run to throw on a fleece and real pants and he's pulling away. I look down and inside my porch I see.....

So I am totally mystified. Not the kind of thing that happens around here. I call Jason, just in case. He's on a line, very busy, knows nothing. Thinks I am crazy. Tells me its probably NOT a bomb. So the kids at this point are SO excited! Teagen begs me to unwrap carefully because she wants to make the beautiful paper into a dress. So I open and.....

Holy moley, its a Crop-a-Dile! What the heck! I was thinking it was going to be cookies or a pie or something! And its from SANTA. What the....I don't even know what to say. Or who to say it to. Not too many times in this life will you find me speechless. But now, yup. Thank you cannot fully cover my gratitude. That anyone has thought to do such a nice thing for me, man, that's big. My heart is not accustomed to that. I am going between feeling completely unworthy to sheer excitement. Why me? I just will not get over this anytime soon:) Shocking in the best way. So thank you, Santa. Thank you for the thought, for the gesture and for the fabulous gift. I promise to put it to good use and I can't wait to play with it!
Its just been such a good day! First this, then lunch with my SIS, and I just, as I am writing this, got off the phone with Jason, and he got a 3rd deer! With his Muzzle loader! Which means he will be home the rest of the season! Which means I will not buy beef all year! YEAH!
((this is me singing"best day eevvverrrr" from Sponge Bob)
Wishing every reader the best day ever:)


Rachael said... who is that secret santa anyways?? It has to make you feel so lucky to have such amazing friends in your life! I am still kinda mad at your secret santa though...he/she made my Brooklyn Bagel lunch I brought look like a happy meal!:)

Lea said...

OMG...have you figured out (or found out) who left you the wonderful gift?? Isn't it truely amazing that even as adults, we STILL have that slight piece of child-like qualities in us at times?? We STILL want to believe there really IS a santa and he does grant miracles!!!
Enjoy your gift - I'm SURE you will!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I visited your blog to see what you did on creative type challenge #8, but haven't seen it yet because of your lovely story! Had to read it. Wow! You are ONE lucky girl! Love your blog! I'll go find that LO #8 now... See you, Marit

Shelly said...

ok I am waiting you can't leave us hanging, what was the gift and di you ever find out who it was from.

Shelly said...

ok so I did see what you got my computer was messing up on the rest of the post. How wonderful for someone to do that! What a wonderful Santa you must have been a very good girl!

Theresa said...

That is super awesome!!! Merry Christmas Jennie! Let us all know who it is if you find out!...that is totally awesome!

Jodi said...

You will love it! And when you figure the dumb thing out, let me know. I "forgot" how to use it apparently and cannot get my thingys to crunch down. You will love it! Mine is definitely operator error!

I was just having a conversation with another mom this morning at school about Santa. It is certainly good to believe. Santa knows whether or not you do and my kids know that if you believe, he will come.

Ooohhh...we're all filled with anticipation...isn't it fun??

Jodi said...

Oh yeah, be sure to post Teagen's new dress. :)

hien k. d. said...

how fun, Jennie! :) i love surprizes (good ones, anyway). i actually didn't even know what a Crop-A-Dile is, but now i do. i'm thinking about getting one for my sister...thanks! :)

Mya said...

I wish I could have been there to see your face when you opened it!! That would have been priceless.
What is this dress Jodi is talking about? Did you win or buy that one online?