Ah yes, the season for giving. But ya know what? We are coming onto a hard week of memories for me. So just for today, and really only for a few minutes during naptime,I am going to be a bit selfish. I am doing a little Christmas dreaming of my own. And it is dreaming. Jason and I are keeping things light this year(with me not working, that's a gift in itself!) And my parents had some very serious house repairs a few months ago(if you ever think its your dream to live in a log home, please call my Dad first to give you the real deal) that set them back a lot, so they are only getting the kids stuff this year. These are just my little whims. And maybe you'll get some gift ideas in the process.
1st up, Lisa Leonard Designs. Her stuff is so beautiful, I have been a fan for years but never purchased. This one steals my heart(with my babys' names, of course). But she has a ton of stunning designs all for $50-$70. Find this and lots of other beauties at http://www.lisaleonardonline.com/.

I want one of these for my studio. Wearing earbuds just makes me nervous when the kids are napping or sleeping, and I always feel like someone is going to sneak up on me;) But I do need one with a remote so I can put it up away from little hands. If you happen to be looking for a dock, check Walmart. I have seen them under $50 there.
This thing is the coolest! Its a Gorillapod. I gotta get into more of my photos. If you have never seen one of these babies, they are fabulous and come in different sizes to fit little point and shoot cameras(under $30) this bigger size that fits my Olympus SP510UZ, all the way to a giant one that fits video cameras. They are perfect for unstable ground(rocks, logs, stumps etc.) and can even wrap around things like trees, ski poles, street signs...whatever. And then they fold up very small. You can get the 2 camera sizes out of http://www.llbean.com/ as well as www.joby.com.
And one of these days, I need to get a remote shutter for this camera. Getting up again and again to set the timer is really not fun either. I was shopping those on http://www.amazon.com/ and it should be easy to find one for your camera's model. Price range on those from under $10 to $50 depending on brands.

Of course I have to do a little scrap-dreaming. I have never been a big fan of die-cut machines.They take too much time and cost WAY too much money. And the good ones are big. If its not sitting out, I am not going to use it. So that's where this little guy comes in. So cute. Hand held. And the best designs and fonts out there. Its the Slice by Making Memories. If you want one, check out the boutique at http://www.scrapinstyletv.com/. They actually put it on sale once in a while. Or see it at http://www.makingmemories.com/ I also think I need a Crop-o-Dile BIG BITE. They have those at our little store in Muskegon, but I would ask the owner for a deal before buying. He seems to like to make deals.

So other than that, maybe a wii. Which is not going to happen unless I win one. Jason has a strong dislike for video games. I know, weird. Or a subscription to a scrapbook kit club like Jenni Bowlin Studios (my FAVORITE) or Studio Calico. New paper every month is a major dream...

Of course I have to do a little scrap-dreaming. I have never been a big fan of die-cut machines.They take too much time and cost WAY too much money. And the good ones are big. If its not sitting out, I am not going to use it. So that's where this little guy comes in. So cute. Hand held. And the best designs and fonts out there. Its the Slice by Making Memories. If you want one, check out the boutique at http://www.scrapinstyletv.com/. They actually put it on sale once in a while. Or see it at http://www.makingmemories.com/ I also think I need a Crop-o-Dile BIG BITE. They have those at our little store in Muskegon, but I would ask the owner for a deal before buying. He seems to like to make deals.

So other than that, maybe a wii. Which is not going to happen unless I win one. Jason has a strong dislike for video games. I know, weird. Or a subscription to a scrapbook kit club like Jenni Bowlin Studios (my FAVORITE) or Studio Calico. New paper every month is a major dream...
So whats on your list this year? I think most of us have what we want and need, but dreaming is OK. You have my permission.
I know I am so lucky. I need NOTHING. I have been collecting little things for my family for months. Making things special for them is without a doubt more important to me than any gift I want. And I of course am not only talking about gifts, but experiences too. Those moments endure time. Thats what matters most. Believe me, I know.
I hope your week goes FANTASTIC! Just keep thinking about our dinner date and that should keep your spirits up!! I love how you dream, I was dreaming just a minute ago, when I was looking at the Zales ad! Once you become a mom, you put your kids first and if you are like me, don't care if you get anything at all! I just love seeing them open their gifts with great joy on Christmas morning!!
I love what you are dreaming of. I am in love with the gorillapod. I just pulled out my tripod yesterday to take a family picture of us all by the tree. It's actually a good picture but go figure - it blurry. But, things would have be so much easier with that one your found. I too think I would love to have the slice. But, I just don't know.....
I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
Dreaming? What is that? Just kidding. I dream about things I would like and the minute someone asks me what I want...I draw a blank! I guess that means I need nothing! HAHA
I totally LOVE your list!
I do believe I am going Shopping to Toys'R'Us on our dinner night!! I am looking for Legos and "CARS" Mega blocks!!!
I am in love with that necklace!! It's been on my mind ever since I read your post. I love your style. Shoot what am I talking bout - I just plain love you. :)
Man...GREAT minds do think alike. I think that is why we are such great friends...our wish lists are so similiar. I first got "started" on Lisa Leonard off from Confessions of a CF Husband...too cool!!! The slice is also on my list of wants...Jimmy is working on that want versus need thing:)! Along with a scrappin' subscription, how cool would that be? You do need a remote shutter release button. Just make sure it comes with a long cord and wii REALLY is worth it!
Keep up the "good wishing" and know that I am thinking of you this week!
Love you!!!
I can only imagine how hard it is for you at this time of year. Please know that I am thinking of you. I love your list, I think that we all need to take time out in our day and dream alittle!
Our family is keeping things light this year too. That doesn't mean a girl cant dream every now and then though! Great list, I think you deserve everything on it! Maybe it can be your wish list for the whole year,Christmas, birthday and aviversary? I know this time of year is difficult and just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you...
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