A newish tradition for us that you may remember from last year, are paper snowflakes. We make bunches over a couple weeks. I get out all my "wavy" scissors and different paper punches. Teagen has even made a few this year! The hardest part to learn is not cutting the entire fold off. Summer gets a little frustrated on that one.
Once we get a enough we plaster the porch window with them. I love it because we keep them up through Valentines Day and just add a few paper doilies hearts.
Today Teagen and I made a few.

And so completes day 4!
I have not made paper snowflakes in such a long time...
thanks for the inspiration!
Teagen's snowflake is beautiful! It love the hearts and bows. You must have the prettiest windows on the block...
Beautiful pic!
I think I may steal this idea...if you don't mind?!?!? The kids will love it!
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