My cousin Caroline organized junk bingo for the kids to play downstairs. GREAT IDEA. Basically each family brings a bunch of random toys and they are put in a box or pile, and the kids win a pick when they get bingo. At first the kids didn't want to part with their junk. So I just picked stuff on my own and they were fine. Of course we came home with different junk, but at least it gets played with:)
The adults do a $10 White Elephant gift exchange. Very interesting, I'll tell ya. I ended up with some Victoria's Secret lotion and Jason got one of those package opening tools. I saw everything from bottles of wine to origami kits to multipliers to Coffee mug sets. Of course everyones favorite it something handmade or lottery tickets. So they get fought over the most. Its funny to watch.
And last but not least, my Grumps. I am posting a shot of the Santa's he did for us this year separately.. I don't know how he does it, he made at least 13 just for family gifts and many many more for sale. And they are stunning. Some of my most cherished possessions. He's 80. Hes truly amazing.
I really had so much fun, but its the 1st Freed Christmas for me without Grandma, and that was harder than I expected. I usually think my sadness this time of year is for my mom or even the miscarriage. But I realized that I miss Grandma a lot this year as well as the Christmas' of our childhood. Of being at Freed's and there being the popcorn balls(that I don't even like) and fudge. And my moms cinnamon rolls. And playing with our new toys and it being dark and the tree being lit up. And the TV being on. And the grownups playing cards. And lots of laughter(which there still is)especially hers. I miss the smell and the sounds. And either staying the night, sleeping on the floor or driving home so late and being in footed pjs and sleeping the whole way home. The memories are so vivid for me and I cannot express them properly in writing. But that's life, it just keeps changing. I really don't like footed Pjs anymore. I am trying to take it as a lesson to enjoy the NOW. A work in progress.
Beautiful made me cry, I know I am such a sap! Sounds like you guys have a great time and really enjoy yourselves! Glad again you guys made it home safe.
I agree with Mandy. It is a beautiful post and I too cried. You have such a great way writing from your heart and soul. Thanks for sharing the TRUE meaning of Christmas...the good memories of family and love that can NEVER be forgotten. No matter what, you will always have that!!!
Merry Christmas!!
Add me to the list of tear don't have to like footed pjs anymore...the memories are enough! WOW! I LOVE Santas...Your grandpa is sooo talented. Amazing!
On a lighter note, Grady is killing me in the family pic! OMG! He is screaming bloody murder! Maybe it would have been a good time to give him Mt. Dew as well. The ride wouldn't have been THAT bad! :)
Wow Jenn I am speechless. Your post is absolutely beautiful. I found myself remembering all the Christmases from my childhood at my grandparents. This is what Christmas is all about...
i love this post, Jennie. so sweet and just so beautiful. holidays are special in so many ways - this says it all. i love these crazy family gatherings. my family is really big and it's so hectic when we all get together, but it's so fun, too!
thank you so much for sharing and reminding me about how meaningful and how precious our memories are! merry Christmas!!
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