Holiday Hodge-Podge
Still reeling from the random act of kindness from yesterday. Crazy. But have to stop floating around and back to business! And on Thursday, that meant baking. Now, I cannot rival my girl Theresa, but I have a pretty long list. I need a pineapple upside down cake, red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, and a few kinds of cookies. Also need to fix up a cheese plate to bring to my Grandpa's.
My supplies:

I see that there are 2 cans of fix-a-flat. That did not make it into any of the cookies, I promise. They are Jason's. Not gonna do him much good on my kitchen counter.
As soon as the temps drop, the cat comes out of hiding. Bling is always hanging around looking for food and a warm spot. I found her laying on a kitchen towel that fell on the floor. The kids chase her like crazy. She is a tormented animal.

Ah, and what would Christmas be without gingerbread poptarts? Umm, yeah. Who cares? I do not eat these, gross. Only Summer is eating these things.

So we have our first Snow Day! Sorry for the kids who did not have their Christmas Parties yet. Summer's was yesterday. I didn't go because I got the impression that they were discouraging parents from attending, and instead invited us to join in the all school sing a long that was supposed to happen today. I was pretty sad, but then Jason was not home anyway, so it wouldn't have worked.
And Grady is sick. Ugghh. I feel like I have been waiting for this. Runny nose and little cough yesterday. Last night (and ever since) he has been crying that his ear hurt. This is the 1st regular ear infection of any kid in this house ever! he has never even been to the dr except for well baby visits. Summer gets swimmers ear, but its different. So I think I need to have him seen,except there is no one at the Drs. office because of the snow!! I don't know what to do! I rarely take my kids in. Most things go away without treatment. But fro a 2 year old to say he's in pain is more serious, I think. So I will keep trying, and maybe have to take him into the med center if all else fails. I wish someone would jut call in a script. He has never been on meds before.
So other than that, we are supposed to go to GR tonight for Christmas with Donna. But wow, its nasty. And tomorrow to Grand Ledge. And its gonna get nasty again Saturday evening. So I just don't know. I feel like with a sick kid and bad roads, the universe is trying to tell me something. We'll see.
Wish me luck and safety trying to find a doctor today with all 3 in tow:)