The promise of sledding has been thrown around for over a month around here. We really have no excuse(other than utter exhaustion) with there being a sledding hill around the corner. Considering we have some subzero temps in the near future, we decided today was as good a day as any to go. What a production even to get out of the house! warm clothes, snow pants matching mittens, hats that fit, boots that fit(these people could slow down on the whole growing up thing, seriously). And after spending 10 minutes buckling everyone into their seats, we took the 1.5 minute drive to the hill.

And it was snowing like crazy.

Not really conducive to taking pictures, but I still love what I got.

Like this one of my little dare devil.

For the record, this coat does actually fit when there are no snow pants involved. He was so puffy, he could not even walk.

Yeah, Teagen was not impressed. She went down this time and then 1 other time right before we left.

My little speedy. She flies like a rocket.

Grady was getting a ride here, and the snow was falling so hard that he had his little face all smushed up!

Teagen told me here that she found her very own tree.

Me and the Red Man.

That rosy glow stayed with Summer all day. This child was born to be outdoors. I barely got any pics of her because she never stopped moving!

We came home, put Grady down for a nap and enjoyed hot chocolate(girls) and Mexican Coffee(the Red Man and Me) Laura, you have created a monster with the whole Mexican Coffee thing;) Yummmmm.......
We spent the rest of the afternoon hot glueing all the tracks and buildings to Grady's train table. Lots of work, but totally worth it!!! Now it has moved to his room and my living room is starting to look normal again. Except now I want a new(old)coffee table and pillows for the couch. And drapes! Oh well.
we must have just missed each other. We took the kids to the same hill with the Palmer family yesterday also. Wish I would have known you guys were going we could have planned something. We had tons of fun and I loved the snow falling down it made it perfect. Great Pictures!
is this the hill by Summer's school..the big hill? I think I see it when I drive to the beach. Looks like a lot of fun! We have yet to make it sledding yet. Maybe after the sub zero temps move out!!
Oh man, Shelly was kind enough to invite us sledding on this "famous" hill. We just stuck around home yesterday enjoying the "pretty snow" before it gets too cold to even go outside. Great pictures!! I especially like the one of you and Jason...too cute and your eyes are so pretty blue!!
Stay warm!!!
I know how the promises go...we haven't done our December Daily sledding yet! Oops. That would be, in part, because I am like Teagen. She and I can hang together any day anyone else feels the urge to sit in the snow!
How do you manage to look so put together in the frezing cold snow? Was that pic taken right away? No red nose, no runny eyes, no snot on your face!!
Grady is so dang cute :0 (had to throw that in)
Shelly's right...we should have planned something!! We were there around 1 and left around 2:30 or so. The kids LOVED the "ice" hill - sledding w/o their was the best!! I had no idea you lived so close to there. Next time we'll let you know for sure! (Oh - and maybe you could encourage someone to add a lift to those hills! Walking up is a KILLER!!) HA!
love the pic of you and looks like he is wearing your hat and you are wearing his...funny:)
I thought the same thing Rachael said. I thought Jay was wearing your hat and you were wearing his. Too funny. I love all the pictures. You are brave taking all the kiddo's sleeding. I would much rather say in the house and scrub toilets then do all that jazz. I HATE the snow and freezing cold weather. You guys look like you had a great time. :)
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