But some things you cannot escape, and when you come home they will still be waiting and will be even worse. The news, the weather, the economy are getting to me. And I hate being a bloggie downer. One of those "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." kinda things. I have not slept well for a while. Either Teagen or Grady is getting us up for no reason. Teagen caught on that she could bug Summer for things (a drink, putting a movie on for her to watch- at 3am) and avoid coming downstairs where she would ultimately get into trouble. That lead to Summer waking up very(understandably) grumpy. So we are trying to switch bedrooms around so that Summer can be alone, and Grady and Teagen can just bug each other. But now they are both coming down to our room several times a night. Its getting to me. As is the total confusion as to whos room is whos(Summer now has a train table in "her room??) Where should each kids stuff be, and I really can't redecorate to suite each child. And then when Teagen starts school in the fall, I think I would like her back to rooming with Summer. And yadda,yadda,yadda. Sweating the small stuff. I hate it. But I also hate the lack of bedrooms in this house. Nothing I can do about it, short of buying a lotto ticket.
So to lighten my mood, and because the budget won't allow for the redecorating I want to do through the entire house, I am changing things up here on the blog. See if the fresh look helps me some.
Not that I still don't laugh a lot every day.
Here is the scene as I type....
Sometime I swear he is part Whitetail Deer. I tell Jason not to take him running in the woods in the Fall.
Oh yeah, there is still plenty to laugh about here.
I can totally relate to the bedroom situation....I think we should go in together and get a lottery ticket! Hey we could win! I love the new header! It's so freakin' cute!
Head up girlfriend....things will get better....
When I get back from Vaca...the fab five need a dinner date!!!
I'll put it here too...I love the shoes! {commented on FB too} Keep your head up. It's January and the winter blahs pop in, without fail, every single year!
I am sorry for the sadness...don't feel alone...it really is a sad and depressing time of year...add the economy, news and lack of sleep anyone would be a little down. Nothing a dinner date with the girls won't fix:)!
What is it with wanting all new in January...and getting sad when you can't have it?!?!?
Take care of yourself!!!
I thought that picture of griffin was halarious. You should enter that in a contest.
Speaking on contests....you should be getting your goodies soon. I am most certain that will enlighten your day. Hang in there......
love the shoes and love the new look, Jen! :) i guess we all have days like this. it will get better. the year of the ox is supposed to be a year of prosperity. ;)
i love reading your blog, you're so creative and honest and bright and it really warms my day - no matter what you write. thanks!! :)
Sorry you have been having a rough go of things lately Jennie. I think the weather is getting to everyone right about now, and then add lack of sleep to that and it just makes it worse. I know I am totally feeling an island retreat coming on, wanna come?
I so dread this time of year, really I do, the cold, christmas debt now add the economy on the top of that list it makes life miserable. In this past week I have felt like running away at least 5 times, it seems that nothing has been going right, thats the exact reason I have not been blogging I basically have nothing good to say.. Thanks for being real girl, life is not always easy but it will always get better. Hang in there, I will praying for you..
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