I am not going to pretend that I love winter. I do not. At all. But for me to complain as much as I want to will only make it more miserable. So I
try to find some beauty or good in it. I mean just imagine how big and vicious mosquitoes would get if they didn't die off from the first freeze. YIKES. And for the record, Muskegon is the HOT ZONE of the west side of the state today. Boasting a heat wave of 1 degree!!! I'll take it with 14 below in the towns to the north and to the south. Ouch!
But it just gets to a point where the kids cannot stand being indoors any longer. Jason (bless his heart) took them out yesterday. Me, I'm just not a good sport about the cold. Plus, all I do is chase Grady around making him put his mittens back on and picking him up when he falls and is too puffy to get back up on his own. In other words, misery for me. So thanks Jason for taking one for the team:)

Teagen was fine when she was out there, but instantly began to cry when she came inside. She was frozen!

I am not sure if Summer would ever come in if we didn't make her. I am not kidding. She never complained that she was cold.

I think Grady was down more than he was walking around and playing. Like a flipped turtle.

He couldn't even walk in the back yard, so Jason started shoveling to make him a path. Since the kids had really wanted a snowman, and its so cold that the snow wont pack, Jason made a pile snowman. Summer wanted him to be mad.

But then Jason started carving him out and look how cool he is now!!! I told them that I want one for the front yard. Look how huge he is!

Apparently after Jason brought the camera in, Teagen decided that the snowman needed some buns and used a sand shovel to create a "crack". She is such a sassy little thing....and currently has a rear-end obsession. But thats for another post;)
I LOVE the snowman! Way to go Jason! Jennie I think some of your creativity is rubbing off on your husband! (not that he wasn't creative before..just saying!) I really do love that snowman. Where is the "crack" picture??? I want to see it!
How awesome is that snowman. Jason rocks!!! Ask him if he wants to come over here with my kids and do that all over again. I agree with Mandy some of your creativity must be wearing off on him. I love all the pictures - they are awesome.
That is the coolest snowman ever! I love it! I really need to get out and take some snow pics of the girls...Kelsee just doesn't like being out in it :)
I am with you. It is way to cold outside for ME, but the kids need to go out and burn off some energy. James does a good job "being" outside with them...while plowing, but there is not a lot of playing...so GREAT job Jason. The snowman is lovely!! I want a snowman, but the snow sucks and the coldness sucks even more!!!!
I think we should still get those "naughty" girls together...oh what fun:)!!!!
Fabulous snowman!! Looks like they had so much fun! I can see some great layouts from these pics! :)
I want to see a what the snowmans back side looked like. Yeah for Daddy's they are good for some things like taking the kids out to play, I am not a winter gal at all. I hate to freeze. Looks like they all had a great time.
haha, Jen - that is the best snowman ever! :) love the kids of your pics, sweet rosy cheeks! :) looks like so much fun!
Yes it is way too cold for me also!! I am miserable. Why cant we just skip winter?? I love all the other seasons, but winter is just too bitter for me! I have to say that is one of the most unique snowmen I've ever seen, but what else can you expect from such an artistic group? Way cool!
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