The kids didn't even wake us until 8:30. I think we were the last family with children up on Christmas morning. Apparently they just played in their room until Summer could not take it anymore and sent Teagen to wake us! So the pics are once again in no particular order. Dang picasa...

The girls in their stockings.

Everyone with their very own Ukes! Oh the beautiful music...

Teagen received a TON of dress up stuff. The girl may never wear regular clothes again.

Our house has been invaded by even more little pestshop, and webkinz. Who knew there were any that they didn't already have!

If you didn't know, each kid got a big item, Summer got her American Girls bed(will be in a later post) Teagen got a cradle for Bitty Baby, and Grady got this amazing train table. That is still acting as a coffee table. It will be moving to its home in his room soon as we find homes for the 30 Little People Sets that are currently in there.
Looks like your kids are very spoiled! I love the train table! I bet Grady is loving it!!! How fun!! Great pictures and it looks like you guys had a great Christmas morning...sleeping in until are some lucky parents!!
I have to first say, I LOVE that they are all in matching PJ's!! Looks like you were all very good this year and Santa spoiled everyone. 3 kids who kept quiet Christmas morning until 8:30?? AMAZING!! I have to admit, I think I woke Lukas up at 8am because I couldn't stand it anymore! HA HA!
Great Pictures!
Tony was up at 7:30 so that meant Sam was up soon after and then little Ben and then i think the 3 of them woke Sara up. She came down and didn't even seem excited at all...she just laid on the couch, I think she had forgotten it was Christmas. Then she jumped up and was ready to open the gifts!
thats awseome that the kids slept in, mine are always up so early by 9am I am tired and ready to go back to bed. looks like you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
Great pictures from all your holiday celebrations! The kids matching PJ's are the best! Parker got the same exact train table set. Does Grady want you to set it up exactly right all day long just so he can destroy it in 20 min? I must say I am getting awful fast it now though. =)
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