Saturday was my niece Kennedy's party at Clipper's. Clipper's is a kids hair salon and they planned a princess party for her. So nice, they have a great room just for these princess parties. So here is the before pic....

The girls got a tour of the salon and we informed of all the fun stuff they would be doing. Here, our party planner showed the girls how to make their very own lotion-potion. The party room was full of dresses and gowns, lots of boas and played some of the girls favorite music.

Kennedy, our queen for the day.

Ya have to wonder what they can do to all the hair Summer's got! In this pic, Summer is admiring the giant "diamond" ring that she got from Aunt Rae.

And the Princess Summer Jaye.

Kinda funny because I had the youngest and the oldest at the party. Summer was nearly too old(I thought) and Teagen was almost too young. But we soon realized that Teagen enjoyed herself more than anyone. THIS is the world Teagen wants. People doing her hair,nails and make-up everyday.

More nails...

Ahhhh....the crowning.

And a princess emerges. Permanently.

Summer and Kennedy insisted on changing their dress again so that they could be twins.

Waiting to sing...

make a wish!

The Queen and her court. Summer, Madison, Kennedy, Lexi and Teagen.

Got the giggles.

Perfecting "the wave".

Blowing a kiss...

This was very well organized and so fun for the girls. The salon did a very good job. You get your moneys worth in service and personality. Thank you Rachael and Kennedy for such a special day:)
How fun is that? Claire has a birthday coming up on the 18th. I think I need to get details from you on where to go and who to call. Claire is such a girly girl and would love this.
We need to do this with the fab five!! hhahaha...looks like the girls had a blast. I love the picture of Teagan very precious!! Sounds like the party was a hit! Glad the girls had a great time!!
I am glad to hear this is as good as it is. We have Clippers insured and I was going to do this for Alli's birthday and was a little scared it would not be "all that and more"...
How cute and fun is that! Looks like the girls had a great time. Your pictures are beautiful as always.
That looks like every little girls dream! They look like they are having such a fun time. I had the kids in there getting haircuts when they were having one of them parties and the girls couldn't understand why they couldn't join in right there and then! I think I might do that for Ryleigh's next birthday.
my girls love that place the ladies always make them feel so special. What a bunch of gorgeous little princess'..
THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THINKING THE WORLD SHOULD CATER TO YOUR EVERY WHIM! Oh wait, did I say that out loud?? I was totally meant to have girls. Uugh.
Tell Mandy I'm sorry but I don't think Clippers caters to women! :)
wow! :) looks like so much fun! these little princesses are all so adorable, too!
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