Photos of Summer playing in the leaves last week when it was bea-u-ti-ful! It was 70 degrees. Today its barely 40.

Anyway, we had Summer's conferences last night. Thanks Cindy for dropping by to watch the kiddos so we could go. One thing I can say for Summer's teacher this year is that she is organized and specific. She explained every grade on Summer's report card. No one had done that before. The way her school does it, is they are graded 1-4, 4 being exceeding requirements. We actually had been told by a teacher in the past that they usually do not give out 4s the 1st marking period because then its like the child has nothing to learn. While I understand, that completely stinks if you have a child that is ahead and bored! Not giving them proper credit! But luckily it does not seem to be the case this time around.

What did surprise me is that her report card is based on assessment tests. Or as I have always known them to be... FINAL EXAMS! For real. So she got a 2 on telling time because she mixed up am and pm twice, even though she's has been able to tell time for almost 2 years. I thought that grading was based on an average of their work, but I suppose for 2nd grade this is a better way. I can only think what could happen if a kid was having a really bad day.

She is reading at a nearly 4th grade level, which we knew. But I really thought she was struggling with math. According to the
exam she scored a 4, and her teacher said they never give 4s on math unless the kids do more work than asked. Example: solving a story problem and showing the work multiple ways. Most kids just do it one way. Summer thinks differently than most kids.

She has had a 15 word spelling test every week since school started. She has gotten 100% on every one. She studies hard for those. We practice a couple times a week.

The only "bad" report we get on her is what we already knew. She is very emotional. She gets worked up over small things. Frustration. She cries. She freaks. But what is a parent supposed to do with that one? "Stop being a crybaby"? I don't think so. All I can think of is trying to give her the tools to chill. How to deal with anxiety(heck, I could use a lesson in that one)and how to deal with disappointment. So there is no plan. It would almost be easier if she was naughty!
If you are still reading, thanks for allowing me to brag a bit. I absolutely adore this girl and she amazes me every day. We are so lucky to have her:)
Keep braggig!! It is so nice to hear that your child is doing so well, it makes us as parents feel that we are doing something right! At least leading them the right way! You have one smart cookie on your hands, and I hope she continues to WOW you! Great job Summer!
that was suppose to be bragging!!! I IS NOT AS SMART AS SUMMER!!
What are kids for if not to brag a bit and show them off!!! I mean besides loving them all and that stuff too!!!
Yea Summer! What a smarty, maybe she can help me with Chemistry!:)
Oh Jenn - she is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing about Summer. It is so cool to read (and I LOVE reading about all of the kids - please don't ever hesitate about blogging about them!) What a great young lady you have on your hands. She is very lucky to have you and Jason's love, support, and encouragement. What a feeling that must be to be raising such a beautiful, creative, and smart young lady...
Girl - you have every right to brag about your beautiful, smart, creatve Summer! Before we all know it, our kids will be grown and no longer in 2nd grade. So BRAG on girl - BRAG on!! And what girl isn't "emotional" over different things in her life. It's not that uncommon and helping her cope with them is definately going to help her in the long run.
Tell her congrats on such a wonderful conference! She is bound to be successful in life!!
Brag away, That's what us mom's do. We're out kids' cheerleaders aren't we?? Anyway, sounds so awesome, that girl of yours and school! And the emotional thing, Ash was too and she grew out of it - not all of it mind you - she is still a female! LOL It's what makes Ashley "Ashley". Tell Summer us middle of the state Freeds are proud of her!
You took some beautiful pictures of your little sweet summer. You should feel proud.
what a special little gal, believe it or not I had the same problem with Tyler he always did so good in school but was very emotional over everything, it seems to be getting better with age, but there is no quick fix. I see so much of you in her it amazes me. Your doing a great job Jenn...
What a beautiful smart little lady you have Jenn!! You have every reason to be so proud of her. And as for being emotional...what girl her age isn't emtional?
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