The Lego store. I could have spent a lot of $$ here but since it was one of the 1st places we went, I didn't want to lug the giant packages around.

Me and Mya in a cab.

Lego girl.

One of my favorite places. Everything there is Hello Kitty. Kristin,Mya and I all bought these grab bags for $30 that had $125 worth of stuff in them. Then we went out in the mall and tore them open. I think we did OK. I had one pretty Ghetto-Fabulous item that's a chain that hangs from your belt loops with lots of BLING. Look for it in my Christmas attire this season.
So, we are all at American Girl. Kristin and Mandy are done so they go across the street to The Cheesecake Factory to get our name on the list for dinner. There are 2 choices for dinner, eating upstairs in the cafe(20 min wait) or downstairs in the restaurant(hour wait). They put our name on the list for both and gave us a buzzer for the restaurant. So the rest of us arrive and we park it on their stairs with a mountain of packages. There are at least 100 people waiting for tables in the restaurant. We wait. finally there is a spot opening in the cafe for us and we are told we can leave our stuff behind the hostess desk. While they are getting our table ready, Kristin decides that she is giving our buzzer for the restaurant table(which must be almost open) to the next people in the door. I think she's nuts and they will never allow it. So this older couple walk in and it seriously has to be a 2 hour wait for a table. Kristin goes up to the gentleman and ask if they are eating in the restaurant or the cafe. The man mistakes her as the hostess and she says"oh no, I don't work here" He is looking totally confused and she explains that we have waited an hour and finally got a table in the cafe, but the table downstairs is opening any minute and all he had to do was say he was Kristin and he could have that table. They thanked her and off they went. So we are sitting and had ordered when he comes looking for Kristin, whips out his wallet and starts throwing $$ on the table, thanking us!! He says Kristin's mom raised her right:) So he gave us $29 and even came back later to try to give us more $$.
So Kristin taught me that it pays to be a little nutty and to really go out of the way to do a good deed. And for the record, Kristin is the reason we all got 20% off at Sephora, even if we were not supposed to. That girl's got some persistence. I will not shop WITHOUT her again;)

Mandy and Kristin at dinner at the Cheesecake factory.

We spent a lot of time(and a pricey cab ride) here. Great shop.


Between us, we have 15 children 10 and under(most are 5 and under!)We ALL needed this. I have not laughed so hard in a very long time, and it started at about 5am and I didn't get home until 2am. I can still feel it in my stomach. I couldn't have dreamed of a better time. NO one complained, everyone helped. Everyone paid more than they needed to. Everyone had FUN. I have learned that some of the best experiences are the ones when you develop some inside jokes. And we certainly have few. Which may or may not have something to do with tripping drunk people and retired federal agents.
Love you guys, thanks for the great time! Can't wait to do it again:)
looks like you girls had a great time, I love laughing so hard your stomach hurts, those are the best. And what good memories you all created together. This just shows you how much we need friends in our life and how blogging and facebook has brought so many of us back together. Thanks for sharing!
Oh Jennie, you got me laughing again! I had a great time and can't wait to do it again!! Thanks for reminding me of the drunk chick that you knocked over! hahahha....in your defense she didn't need much help falling over!!
Love the blog!! Makes me want to go back to Saturday and do it all over again. Had a great time - thanks for including me. I loved all your friends. We had lots of fun and many many laughs. Hope we can all continue to hang out together and make more memories. Love ya girly!!!
Ok - I'm SO jealous now!! I would have loved to have joined you guys! It's been a VERY long time since I've seen you guys! (OK - Mandy I tend to run into every so often, but you and Teresa - not so much.)
Glad you guys had a great time! It's always awesome to laugh so hard your face and stomach hurt!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm so bummed I missed out on going. Sounds like everyone genuinely had a great time! Great pictures!
FUN FUN!!!I don't know if i even need to post anything!!! You covered it ALL!!! (But I probably will!!!) It sure was a GREAT time! Did we really start laughing at 5 AM??? Or was it about 5:30 (5:45) when we couldn't get out of the child locked doors!!! HEHE
What an AWESOME time...oh yeah where was the drunk chick...do i remember that? (It wasn't me was it?) THANKS AGAIN!!!
wow! I"m jealous. sounds like a great trip!! Both times I've gone to Chicago I've taken kids so I haven't had the adult experience there yet. Someday...maybe...we're talking about going next week while the guys are hunting but again, kids are going with us...
wow...thanks so much for sharing this jenn...
I am so glad that you all had a much deserved-day trip to Chicago. I cannot wait to hear more. I too am sorry that I could not go and am determined to go if/when there is a next time - I am so in!
So, did you all get everything on Santa's list? Did the trains work out okay? I was thinking about you guys the entire day. What great memories you made!
love the pics - so nice to see everyone togeter! and sounds like you girls had so much fun! :)
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