All in all a good weekend. Kinda sad the weather was blah for Spring Break. I worked Friday night and the girls had a sleepover at Aunt Rae-Rae's. Jason surprised me at work by getting Alesha to take Grady overnight and making a date for us for dinner and the casino in Manistee. We went to Hobo's for dinner(so good) and up north we went. However, I've discovered that casinos just don't do it for me anymore. Too much guilt. All the people seem so sad to me. And the smoke makes me want to throw-up. seriously. But Jason likes to play Blackjack and he does well. He really wants me to play too. I pretty much know how but I don't want to play with strangers. He thinks I'm crazy. I am almost positive that he is right. But I don't think we will be back any time soon. Still it was so fun just running around together. In the morning, it was his weekend to go in to work to make sure things were going well, so I tagged along,sleepily. Very cool because I have never been to his shop before. Cheese production is very complicated! And I got to see his office and go through his drawers(only found an Outdoor Life magazine-what a nerd;) ) He took me to breakfast and we went to round up our gang. Then out garage door opener decided to DIE. And all the kids decided to CRY. Because they were tired. So we all took a nap. Much better.
SO Sunday was spent installing a new opener by Jason, and I gave myself an equally avoidable job of cleaning the oven. Uggh. I started a painting, hopefully I can post that later this week. It is going good.
And my girl is back at school. I guess its only for several weeks before Summer vacation, but I already miss having her here. I can say that it is a lot quieter around here.
Well, I am off to bathe a couple of little grubbies! Grady's in the process of removing his diaper and I don't want to find any surprises on our rug!
What a great weekend. Jimmy keeps wanting to go up to the casino as well. I see $50 at a casino (blowing in the wind) or a cute outfit that I can wear over and over again! I know, not very supportive.
If you guys ever plan on going again, let us know, we would love to tag along. Pending no racing that weekend!!!
Thats so great that you got some alone time, I know what you mean about gambling but I still think it's fun to do every once in awhile. Your story about you going through Jason's desk at work made me smile because I do the same thing when I visit Johns shop, I am left alone in the office and I rummage through his desk and looking for interesting stuff I guess.
I love your blog Jenn! It is wondeful to see your family, it is just perfect! I also LOVE your music...I am going to try to get better at blogging too!
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