I have NO idea what he did to deserve time-out. I think this was on Saturday. I'm sure he was just throwing toys or smackin' Teagen. I'll have to ask Jay, He'll remember.
And speaking of Jason, last night he mentioned that my grammar is a little off in my blog posts(always the critic). So I felt the need to explain. I treat this blog like a journal. I am just keeping track of daily life and some thoughts. Sometimes I am speaking to blogland, but usually this is for me. I wouldn't proofread a journal and make corrections so I don't usually do it here. Not to mention that I am interrupted ,on average, 5 times while posting. sometimes I get a bit off track. Hey, I'm just a girl, tryin' to keep it real, yo. ;] (thats for you, Jay)
Thanks for keeping it real:)!
I have no idea how you could yell at that face. That might be the cutest, sadest face ever. Good luck with that in the years to come!!
Oh, Jennie...too cute! I agree with you on journaling. I find myself spellchecking all the time and rephrasing my lines because I figure people reading may not understand "my" language and figure I'm stupid or something. :) I want to do a special entry just so people will leave it alone!
He looks so innocent and cute, I never do a spell check, I just figure that most people get what I mean. In fact on MySpace I copied a survey and did not change one of the answers, so mine read that I sleep with a guy named Kevin, guess maybe I should recheck my answers, I'm still getting teased for that one....
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