"In memory of Todd A Singleton who was killed in the line of duty one year ago today. He died a hero defending freedom. His ultimate sacrifice has not and will not be forgotten.My heart cries out to the family especially today as you mark the one year anniversary of his death. You have my thoughts and prayers always."
Well said.
I pray that his wife and baby girl always know how proud this community is of Todd.
We will never forget.
I agree, that was very well said Lisa. Thanks to both of you for "lovingly" reminding us of what a true sacrifice both Todd and all of the soldier are making for us.
Freedom is not free! However, that does not fill the void in families hearts that ache for their husband, father, son, and brother.
Thank you so much Jen for reposting Lisa's MySpace comment. I cried reading it all over again.. I have wonderful friends.
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