Did a layout for the I Inspire Me challenge blog. The theme was stationary. I found this cute card while browsing etsy and got an idea right away:

Pretty cute! Used some old Doodle Bug paper that I've been hanging onto for-ever! The "tea" is flocked(fuzzy) and is so much cuter in real life.
The next three I did at the crop I went to last Friday with Mya and Miranda. I really like this crop, it was at Scrapbook 101 and they do a $5 crop every Friday. Very relaxed and fun. Great new owner of that store. If there is anything you want, he will try to get it in for ya.

As always, my photos do not do these papers justice. There is a lot of shimmer and sparkle that just doesn't show up. I need some pointers on shooting layouts!
Again, I wish I could've gone. Im counting the days until what I thought was Octber 25th but apparantly someone is looking out for me and I only have to wait until October 18th!! (our last game) I am pining away, waiting for the moment I can get a layout done. I haven't stopped collecting products. I just need to start using some of it!!
Oh yeah, awesome layouts. I haven't used any flocking. Looks fun.
SOOO stinking cute!! Great idea with the buttons!!!
Your pages are great!!! Love them!!
I love your new one you did with the buttons. Absolutely adorable. All your work is beautiful. Can't wait to scrap again. Hopefully soon.
I am so jealous of your ability, time, and great layouts...you just amaze me. NOW IF YOU COULD JUST INSPIRE me that would be great. Maybe if I touch you, a little something would get transfered to me!!! Ok, that sounded really dirty, but seriously...help a struggling girl out!!! :)!
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