So saturday I worked all day, then came home and Bob & Joan were here to watch the kids! Thank You! Not only is is great to have someone watch the kids but even at our house? Wow, can't ask for more than that. Love you guys for alway being there for us(among other things!) The gang was at Ol' boys but left before we got there. by the time we got to Leslie's they were in full party mode. Great time you guys. We needed a fun night out.
Then I got sick(wow can you believe it)a couple hours after we got home. it didnt make sense. Honestly I 1st suspected that it was self induced, but totally not possible unless I have developed an allergic reaction to alchol. I did not drink hardly anything and was eating plenty. So begins another stomache bug. Up all night. Jessica (Jason's neice) was sleeping over because Jason and his dad were taking the girls ice fishing in a tournament on White Lake early Sunday morning. Not gonna happen. Again, Joan came through and picked up Summer and Jess, and Bob still took the girls out fishing. You guys rock. Jason too for taking such good care of me (except for the grilled cheese;)) So to top it off, Summer won 1st Place in the tournament! She caught a Perch that was the biggest by quite a bit(I'll have to ask her again exactly how big) Won a fabulous fishing rod with a bunch of tackle! I think she will be in the local Whitelake paper this weekend, so look for her if you get that paper. And Jess got 2nd place! I'm guessing Bob was a proud Papa! Dont have any photos yet, but I think I can get some from Joan.
Wish I didnt miss my girl's special day, but I dont think she really noticed. I am sure Jason was really dissapointed. He did send her with his lucky pole. I was just SO sick. finally today feeling a bit better. This has got to stop. Maybe once spring is here we can have a reprieve from all the illness going around and around and around. I cant take another bout of this!
I am glad that you are feeling better. I agree, if spring would just come, we would all feel 100% better. We have been in our closed up houses for just too long. It breeds illness!
Great job Summer on 1st place. Can't wait to see photos!!!!
Great job Mom for being Jenn for awhile. Date nights are great.
Hope you feel better soon & nobody else comes down with it.. Take care, & yeah for Summer, thats awesome...
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