Saturday was Jason's 33rd Birthday. SO strange since Easter has never been so early (in our memories) and he had to share his weekend with the Holiday. He's a big boy and handled it very well.

This is Jason's dream cake. He asked for Choc cake w/ German Choc Cake frosting and peanut butter frosting. I was thinking 1/2 and 1/2 but Rachael gave me the idea to do stripes so you can have some of each in every piece. Turned out great and he was impressed!

Some bunny cookies I made from a package for the girls on Friday while they were making cards for Daddy. Anyone else make these? Very weird because they have little bunny tails on some of them(I think they are tails) but it just looks kinda bad...if you made them, you know what I'm talking about.

They worked for hours on cards for Jason. So cute! Teagen made a picture of the family inside a little frame and them added a thought bubble sticker to herself that said"get me outta here!" What?!? She's so funny.

Back to Saturday. I really think we made Jason's day fun. We had a lot to do. I got up with the girls and we set up Jason gift. A new coffee maker with all the fixings. Yep, Jason and Jennifer Schultz are officially grownup. We make our own coffee and no longer give our $$ to Wesco and Starbucks.OK, until they invent an at-home frappacino machine,I will still occasionally go to Starbucks.
So anyway, we got him up with fresh coffee and lots of lovin'. We baked that fab cake and then Summer and I were off to a Soccer meeting. Came home with a sub for daddy who had LOTS of energy to completely clean and organize the front room and closet while we were gone. And while Grady napped, we did the EGG Thing.
We really had fun with the eggs. I don't think Ive ever taken pictures because its usually last minute , late at night and nobody looks cute. But the blog forces me to constantly take pictures, cute or not. That is cool. I'm learning a lot about what matters most to me. and its not always about being cute. Although I happen to think it is totally CUTE that in every photo from the weekend, Teagen is wearing some kind of "ears" which would have been appropriate had she stuck with the bunny ears but it was the shiny gold kitty ears that she loved most and wore all Easter morning.
So Saturday ended with a family drive and take-out wings from the Station. Kids in bed,hanging out together, and helping out the Easter Bunny. Love you, babe. You make 33 look good!
Happy Birthday to Jason, he still looks 25, I love how guys never seem to age as fast as us ladies.
Cute cute cute!! Oh and you made the smart choice by doing eggs at nap time. We tried to let Park participate....bad idea. He could of cared less and threw both his eggs on the floor. =) Happy birthday to Jason!
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