I take a photo of Summer in front of the school every fall and spring. This child has grown nearly 2 inches since school started. All she talks about is how now she can ride almost any amusement park ride. I had to go pick her up when school was over because she forgot her gift for Mr. Korpi. As I am standing(in the rain) outside her school when the kindergartners come out, so excited because now they are first graders! IT hit me hard. My girl is going to be in 2nd grade. I think of her as one of the little kids at school and shes NOT anymore. As I am standing there seriously trying not to cry, she comes out so proud and so excited to see that I came to pick her up(which we rarely do because its such a zoo around there, and then the bus still almost beats me home!) I just looked at her and took it all in. Nothing is slowing down. I cant do anything about it. EXCEPT get my camera out more and record life HERE and in my scrapbooks.

And what could be more inspiring than this face?
She is beautiful!!!
It is nice to know that I am not the only emotional mom out there. I am glad to hear other mom's get themselves all worked up over life. I agree, it goes SO FAST! All you can do is get that camera out and "take it all in"! Good luck with that. Any suggestions on how to slow it down a little...I am all ears!!!
Oh I so know how you feel! Life seems to fly by faster every year.
I am so glad that summer is finally here, I just hate how it will fly by, love all the pics.
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