Summer's class picnic was Thursday. They were walking from the school to the park.
But I drove the little kids there so we had some time to play before the hoards of kids arrived.

You know how many times they were confused as twins? At least 3...

Teagen spotted this robin and decided she would get as close as she could to it.
She got closer than I had expected.
And then the kids arrived.
Lots and Lots of kids. They were so excited and CRAZY.

But it was really sweet. Summer instantly went to Grady and Teagen. With all her friends there, she still chose to play with her brother and sister. And a couple of her friends joined in and played like baby sitters.

Summer and her current "bestie". This is the girl that has instigated all the dragon lovin going on here.

The teachers just all stepped back and let the wildness happen. They brought some fun stuff like the bubbles and balls, hula hoops, hockey stuff and more, but it was very much a do whatever you feel like kinda day.
Summer's was so tired and her legs so sore when she got home. All that kid does is run.

Grady tries to run:)

I do love a smile that is just a reaction to extreme joy.
Its the best.

Snack break.

I was amazed at how many little boys showed interest in Grady. This guy gave him a Frisbee lesson(umm,
thanks) and others showed him some basketball tricks. One boy in Summer's class even started calling him "Grady-Dog" (again,
Thanks) and Grady called him Nate-Dog. Cute.
We left at lunch. Pizza was coming for the school kids and I didn't need my small people begging. They were so tired anyway. Plus, Summer will not let go of her "mother hen" tendencies unless Teagen and Grady are not around. She needs time to be a kid on her own with her friends.
But this look says it all.
Love her.
great pics, love the end of the school year gatherings
Your photo's are amazing. I was not even there with you but from checking out your pictures I felt as if I was right there with you. I ADORE the photo of T and Grady Dude on the tire swing - the black and white one. AMAZING.
Summer is here and in full bloom now! Waahooo
Love it!!
I was out by your house last night (I think..). My cousin's open house was at Hagar's Hideaway and I reconized Lakeshore Glass from your parade pics. It's SO beautiful out there!!!!
Love the pics of Grady on the swing and blowing bubbles and the ones of Summer on the swing...great smile!
I have a stash for you {from Kristin} and will leave it for you at Northland for when you stop by for a visit. ;)
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