When viewing the following photos, keep in mind that he did this Saturday night. His family and coworkers have been staring and shaking their heads ever since.
Poor Teagen was so disgusted at the sight of that shirt, she made him promise to sell it in a yard sale. (he did the sleeves himself with a steak knife. He'll be taking orders for anyone who's interested.)
Happy to report that this was the LAST photo ever taken of the Chops of '09.
He's moved on again.
to be continued...
I have never laughed so hard in my life! I am still laughing! That picture of him with the shirt, omg! seriously...how funny. I think he has found an awesome halloween costume...or could this be staying! I am still laughing!!
I knew porn star was coming...I think he is kinda hot...once I stopped laughing to "enjoy" it!!!!
Oh my. I'm laughing tears. You do have a hunk of a husband though. Chops and all! Oh Dear. I'm still laughing!
Oh dear is right!! THIS IS THE BEST BLOG POST TO DATE! I cannot contain my enthusiasm! Keith will be jealous that Jason pulled it off at work. My hubby thinks it stinks that he has to be clean shaven all of the time! What a riot. In one pic, from far away, I thought he looked a little "Starskey and Hutch" but at close range I doubt that shit was that full! Wow, those 'burns are true talent. The last pic is what made the post, for sure! A true redneck if I ever saw one. I think we may even be related. A true classic.
Of all the things Jason will want to be remembered for someday, did he have any idea? Any idea at all??
oh my gosh this is hysterical
Brent has a ripped plaid shirt just like that. Drives me crazy!
Oh girl...if this is a one time thing, you're lucky! I never know from week to week what Tom is going to do with his scruffiness! HA! And Tom is always cutting sleeves off his shirts - drives me CRAZY!!
Guess I should post more pics - maybe it'd make you feel better! HA!
BTW - I agree...he's a hottie either way.
HOTTY!!! I love it Jen...So funny!
Just had to come back and get my daily laugh in! I know where to go now when I need to laugh! TOO FUNNY!!
I absolutely LOVE IT!!! Mom said he looked a little like Bob when he was younger (I'd have to say better looking though...lol)
this so to funny, he looks like he could have played on the show life on mars.
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