Jason and I had been married for almost a year. I had become good friends with Kelly at work(the Vet Clinic) and she convinced Jason and I to go to Wheatland in September(2000). We were very excited and couldn't wait to go! But when we got there I was miserable. Hot, felt ill, and alcohol was just disgusting to me.Needless to say, I was not impressed with the experience.WARNING TMI AHEAD: When we got home and I got back to work, the girls were talking about their "cycles" and they were all getting over theirs. Like what often happens when you have a lot of women together in one place, we were all kinda on the same cycle. I realized I was very very late. While Jason was playing pool that night, I took a test. Freaked out. Alone. Cried. and then wrapped it up and gave it to him as an anniversary gift. We had no plans for a baby but it wasn't a bad time either. I proceeded to read anything I could get my hands on.
For the most part, I enjoyed the pregnancy. I knew that things with work were not going to go well. No one else had kids(well the receptionist had 1) and I never felt that there would be much understanding for a new mother, and I was right. After a horrible bout of morning sickness that made me late(I called ahead)the Vet chewed me out saying he didn't want me here if I was sick. I actually had to explain how morning sickness works and about morning hormone surges. Idiot. He made me feel like a leper, I think he was disgusted by pregnancy. Strange guy, for sure.
My water broke at 4am on Mother's Day. I had gotten up to pee for the 15th time that night. I labored for ever. I took any drug offered to me. It was unreal. It was terrifying. At about 8pm I was allowed to push. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I think back and can barely remember any of it. I do recall that at about 11pm Dr. Karnes said that if this baby is not out in the next couple of pushes that I would be in the OR. Well she was born at 11:36pm with out a scratch and with out a rip or cut for me. I was so relieved. she was so beautiful. Just an amazing baby.
Summer is the perfect child to learn to parent. She is such a bright,sweet and forgiving kid. She is nurturing,creative,sensitive and has a great sense of humor. I sometime cannot believe that God chose us to be her parents. I worry about dropping the ball, and not helping her reach her full potential. I worry about doing or saying something stupid that she NEVER forgets and never fully gets over. I worry about making bad decisions. I worry that I worry too much and we might miss out on something!
I so love this girl. The best Mother's Day gift anyone could ask for. Today we are celebrating Summer turning seven but I also celebrate for me becoming a Mother. And I'll never be the same. Thank God!
I love Summer's story too. You are such a great mom, always remember that. Both you and Summer are lucky to have each other. Good kids come from good parents.
Isn't it crazy to think 7 years have gone by. What is that??? You blink your eyes and they are "big" kids. Enjoy your day being Summer's mom!
Happy Birthday Summer!!! I remember seeing you and Rachael at Barnes and Noble a couple days before you had her. You out walking trying to get things going!! I can't believe I remember that from 7 years ago!!! What a wonderful story!!! You are so blessed
What a great story and I love all the pictures, Happy 7th Birthday Summer!!!!
Happy 7th Birthday Summer! I can't believe our girls are turning seven! I remember you bringing her over when she was 4 months old to see Kendall after she was born. We put them on the floor next to each other for a picture and Summer was so big and all smiley and wiggly next to Kendall. I rememeber thinking "all that happens in just 4 months?" Where has the time went?
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