My girl with her special daddy-made birthday sundae. He even gave her 7 cherries for 7 years old. I'm doing the cake for Friday when her friend come over. I still have no clue how many will be here. Only a ouple RSVP but they all keep telling Summer that they will be here. Can you really trust a 7 year old on that? So I will be totally winging it. My luck 1 girl will show up! (not that I am complaining...)

playing with my camera and some settings I've never used. not bad.

Dang...I can see the future young woman inside this girl. wow.

This is the 1st year I have done tulips. The problem is that our squirril population in the city is INSANE. They are everywhere and love to eat tulips and thier bulbs. But I still ended up with lots of flowers and plan to put in more this fall. I love tulips so much. I cant believe it took me so long to plant some here.
Today is crazy busy! This is good because it takes my mind off something crazy my husbad did. If I stay busy I may forget to CHOKE him. more on that later. gotta clean, gotta make a guitar cake, and Leighton will be here soon. Grady is totally cranky and working the only nerve I have left after my husband destroyed the others. I drank way too much coffee and I am zipping through this like a maniac. Enjoy the typos and spelling because there is no time for a spell check!
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