Thursday, May 29, 2008
Random Thoughts Thursday
I dreamt(dreamed?) of spiders 2 nights ago and of scrapbooking last night. Both were terrifying.
The Raccoons seem to be alternating between ours and the neighbors garbage's. Last night was their turn.
We have been invited to 7 graduation Open Houses. 3 on my side, 3 on Jason's and then our next door neighbors. I am pretty sure I didn't even go to 7 open houses the year I graduated.
In the past couple days I have learned some new Grady words. "Ucha" is Ketchup and "Anka" is spanking. And that's not naughty spankings. In our house we have something called "rumble spankins" which is just chasing around the house and swatting bottoms in a playful way. OK, that sound weird, but its not. Just pure silliness.
Its 11am and I and I still have on cupcake pj pants. Kelly will be here in 20 minutes(edit-its now 12:30 and I am still sportin' the cupcakes). In my defense, I have brushed my teeth, cleaned the house, loaded the dishwasher and dressed the kids for the day.
Teagen slept on Summer's bunk last night and no one knows how she got down.
Jason took it upon himself to give Grady his 1st clipper haircut over the weekend. I admit that its better than it hanging in his face but its terribly uneven and the kid has a million cowlicks. I think I need to take him in to get it fixed. Sorry Jay.
All the mirrors at work are telling me I need new clothes. and also that I should cut about 700 calories a day. And get on the treadmill. And wear more makeup. Hey ,I'm just happy the mirrors haven't mentioned Botox.
Jason rocked out the yard this weekend. Weeded and spread nearly 20 bags of mulch. Split plants. worked hard. Love you.
I washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of my clothes. It only got on my shabby wheatland hoodie and my Jimmy Buffett tee. I think the universe is telling to stop wearing these things. I am certain Stacy & Clinton would.
Best kept secret- Apparently the DMV in Grand Haven is awesome. Apple Ave., horrific. Jason got a tip to check out Grand Haven's because there is never a line and they even have flat-screen TVs. He waited at Apple last week for almost 2 hours. Yesterday in GH-walked right up to a nice(what?) person!
and 1 more...
I just left the bathroom with Teagen(she requires a friend) and this is what she tells me," Ok, Mama, I gotta go poo-poos and pee-pees. Alright, Poo-poos leave my body, CHECK. Pee-pees out my body, CHECK. Mama, I gotta keep a list!"
How do you respond to that?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Papa Rocky's
But wow, what a good weekend. I am so happy to get summer time off to such a great start!
I love a Parade
And the Parade always wraps up with a bunch of motorcycles following. Of course the kiddos LOVE that! There was even a little boy on a tiny motorcycle that was just SO cute...and I dont care for bikes!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Long time gone..
So Since I've been a bit down, I have not pulled out my camera all week. But I did take some pics of a couple layouts I made for a design team submission. They are both 8 1/2x11. I ALWAYS do 12x12 so this was different, but I love it. Totally brought out my creativity. I think you can click on them to enlarge.
1st, my littlest girl...
These are my favorite layouts ever. The pics don't do them justice. I was in the zone. But my studio is a total nightmare, AGAIN.
Tomorrow we go to the parade that is in front of our house. Seriously, they line up on our street. Then maybe to my Dads for some lake time. I really hope we don't get rained out, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Hope you are having the greatest weekend ever!
Monday, May 19, 2008
We met the grandparents Saturday at Summer's game. Then went for ice cream at the Frosty Oasis. Great day if you stayed in the sun. Later that day Summer and I went shopping and had a great time. Its been a while since her and I went and did something fun and alone. She impressed me with her shopping abilities. I was sure she would be whining but not at all. Even helping me shop for "boring stuff". She had a gift card for KB Toys and bought 2 Webkinz. When we got home, she decided to give one of them to Teagen. She amazes me every day with her kindness.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My Spring Flowers
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Seven Years Gone By

Jason and I had been married for almost a year. I had become good friends with Kelly at work(the Vet Clinic) and she convinced Jason and I to go to Wheatland in September(2000). We were very excited and couldn't wait to go! But when we got there I was miserable. Hot, felt ill, and alcohol was just disgusting to me.Needless to say, I was not impressed with the experience.WARNING TMI AHEAD: When we got home and I got back to work, the girls were talking about their "cycles" and they were all getting over theirs. Like what often happens when you have a lot of women together in one place, we were all kinda on the same cycle. I realized I was very very late. While Jason was playing pool that night, I took a test. Freaked out. Alone. Cried. and then wrapped it up and gave it to him as an anniversary gift. We had no plans for a baby but it wasn't a bad time either. I proceeded to read anything I could get my hands on.
For the most part, I enjoyed the pregnancy. I knew that things with work were not going to go well. No one else had kids(well the receptionist had 1) and I never felt that there would be much understanding for a new mother, and I was right. After a horrible bout of morning sickness that made me late(I called ahead)the Vet chewed me out saying he didn't want me here if I was sick. I actually had to explain how morning sickness works and about morning hormone surges. Idiot. He made me feel like a leper, I think he was disgusted by pregnancy. Strange guy, for sure.
My water broke at 4am on Mother's Day. I had gotten up to pee for the 15th time that night. I labored for ever. I took any drug offered to me. It was unreal. It was terrifying. At about 8pm I was allowed to push. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I think back and can barely remember any of it. I do recall that at about 11pm Dr. Karnes said that if this baby is not out in the next couple of pushes that I would be in the OR. Well she was born at 11:36pm with out a scratch and with out a rip or cut for me. I was so relieved. she was so beautiful. Just an amazing baby.
Summer is the perfect child to learn to parent. She is such a bright,sweet and forgiving kid. She is nurturing,creative,sensitive and has a great sense of humor. I sometime cannot believe that God chose us to be her parents. I worry about dropping the ball, and not helping her reach her full potential. I worry about doing or saying something stupid that she NEVER forgets and never fully gets over. I worry about making bad decisions. I worry that I worry too much and we might miss out on something!
I so love this girl. The best Mother's Day gift anyone could ask for. Today we are celebrating Summer turning seven but I also celebrate for me becoming a Mother. And I'll never be the same. Thank God!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Oh yeah, and if you haven't heard...I QUIT!!! Yeah!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I live in a zoo
So this weekend I screwed up. actually I screwed up several weeks ago but it became apparent Sunday afternoon. You see, we planned on doing the Meijer Garden thing Yesterday. We have gone every year since Summer could walk. She also goes with Gramma Donna a lot too because they live close and she often buys the annual pass. This is Summer's "thing". She loves everything about the experience.
So this is where I totally bombed. The butterflies were gone as of April 30th. I swear we always go in May but think I am just confused because the weather has been so cold and we always wait for it to get warmer. Luckily I got on the website and found out. But when we broke the news to Sum, she fell apart. She was devastated that she wouldn't see the African Moon Moth. (what?) Jason and I had one of those we-suck-as-parents moments, seeing that our child just wants to learn and we let her down.We suggested the Zoo as an alternative. We have never done the zoo, Summer had gone with Donna but didn't remember much. So after breakfast at "Ba-Bevins" (say it out loud and you'll get it) off we went.
****And if you are still reading....THANK YOU thank you,thank you for all the supportive comments,emails, phone calls and conversations about my horrible job. I think over time I got very used to the treatment and just dealt with it. You all helped me see the truth and I am so grateful for you. I am so excited to move on! more later on that...
BTW- We are still working on a top color for the dining. this color will also be the main color in the living room, to tie it all together. I want the perfect shade of gold, but its tricky. The dark gold in the pic is very very ugly. the light is a bit too light. I originally wanted a color in between the two of them but Jason kept convincing me otherwise. I still think I am right.
Look out babe, I'm "Bloggin' it up"!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Decisions and Confusion
I am a little overwhelmed with decision making right now. I seem to have some big issues with change, always thinking negatively. And in the whole scheme of things, this should not really be a big deal. I have been at my job for only a year and a half, but in that company that is a lifetime. Huge staff overturn in that place. Mostly because, as I have explained before, we are "graded" based on our per person sales and only make bonus on product(lotion) sales. But if you grade is low, you don't see the decent bonuses. And they are VERY strict. I understand they are a big company with lots of very young girls working there, but they make no exceptions for emergencies. For instance, if I am 1 min. late because there was an accident blocking the road or even if I get into an accident, I would lose a dollar an hour for every hour worked that week plus lose much of my product bonus. If you drive to Allendale for a meeting and are a minute late, they lock you out and you lose your entire bonus check for the month the $1 and hour for the week and you can not be on the schedule until the next meeting a month later. They will not accept any excuse. Last year when my Grandma died, I lost all kinds of $ just so I could attend her funeral. I even had to stay at work once I found out she had passed. Now this is the only time I ever lost any $$ mostly because I have just plain old been too scared to miss work and I usually show up 20 mins. early for meetings! So this is really just the tip of the iceberg with this place but it gives ya an idea why I am unhappy. What I love about it is the people that come in, and the fact that I get the hours I want because my sales are good. But if they drop, I'll be in big trouble. Another bad thing w/MSC is that they do not have a "the customer is always right" attitude. That is very hard for me. I will usually go to great lengths to make something right with people when I am working customer service. Needless to say, every day is a bit of a challenge for me there...did I mention that the 21 year old manager of the salon actually lives next door(attached)? Yeah, she's on a bit of a power trip....we cannot have any outside reading materials or cell phones.This is a pretty slow tanning salon. Lots of down time. She had our refrigerator removed and also just took out a couch because we might sit on it....we are not allowed to sit. ever.
So another opportunity has presented itself. Its about the same $$ (per hour)but less hours. VERY much less stress. But the income will be lower, and right now Jason and I are trying to get some "stuff" taken care of. So I am just so torn. And to top it off, I am going back to school. I need to talk to a councilor asap. I really want to get into the public schools, just not as a teacher. A friend told me you can do a lot with a child development associates degree, and that seems about right to me. A lot of positions would allow my kids to be with me(or at least free daycare). So I am very serious about getting into that. I try to keep in mind that if I don't like it, I can go back to school again and try something else! It's OK. I am not trapped unless I just sit here. But I've been idle for too long. It just that fear of change, or really, a fear of making the wrong decision and regretting it.
I wish someone would just TELL me what to do!
The picture has nothing to do with the post, its just there to keep me grounded and remind me what it's REALLY all about:)