I sure do...It was some time in early September...(Jack Johnson)

And it was in September of my sophomore year in gym class. A few years of causal flirting...

and bad hair;)...

Led us to September 11th, 1999. One my favorite days forever. I have never had so much fun in my entire life as I did on our wedding day. We were so young and clueless. But we knew love and we knew fun!(still do! Still a bit clueless, just not so young)

Like Mustard and Ketchup(lol!)Better Together.

I have mentioned how difficult Christmas time can be for me. When ever I see this pic of Xmas 03 I see how I am clinging to Jason(I am not a clingy wife by any means) and I see instantly how much I can (and did) rely on him for support. I had miscarried a few days earlier. And of course hated the world for not having my Mom in it. But with him with me, I was able to feel joy.
Like they say, through the good times and the bad, thick and thin...

And here is the thick! Me, 8 months preggers for Teagen. More joy!
9 years of marriage, Almost 13 years together. We had a rough start, but got that junk out of the way before we got married.(not that there isn't still tough moments, but now we know how to deal with it). And the kids really make it even more of a challenge to remain connected. We always seem to push through it. The 2 most stubborn people on the planet end up together and make sacrifice for each other and will do just about anything to make the other happy. That's love in my book.
We love to be together, but don't HAVE to be. We have lives outside of this house. We are both very independant people. When we are alone,we would rather be sitting on the pier with a beer than in front of a movie. We NEVER run out of things to talk about. We are always laughing. We are dreamers, lovers, and spenders! It gets us in trouble from time to time, but we come out the other side OK.
NO marriage is perfect. The ones that look perfect are probably falling apart(it keeps happening to people we know and love) Life is real. It is busy. Sometimes what is good and going well gets forgotten and I get all caught up in what sucks. Or sometimes I get angry at something so trivial, its pathetic. I want to always be grateful.
Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart
Why are we here? Where do we go? And how come its so hard?
Its not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing,it's always better when we're together
Jack Johnson
"Better Together
I choose you,
Thanks for picking me.
Love you...
Happy Anniversary