I have always been proud of my dogs behavior. When we got Chase and then Griffin I was working at the vet clinic and learned a lot of good training
techniques. They are good dogs(well, Chase does bark a bit much) and are good with the kids, which is most important to me. Well, Chase is 10 yrs old now, we got her before we got married. And in her old age she decided that she is now writing the rules. After 10 years of keeping off the furniture, I find them both on the couches and beds! They help themselves to whatever food the kids leave at there table and will even take it from right under their noses! But Chase has now pushed her limit. Late Thanksgiving morning, Jason made himself 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and brought
Teagen a 1/4 of one of them. In the 1 minute Jason was gone, Chase ate them both...
gone. She never would have done something like that in the past. She would usually just sit and beg. I really thought Jason was going to lose it! But all she got was sent outside and hollered at. I guess we just don't have the heart in her old age for discipline. Plus it was Thanksgiving. I guess that was her feast.
It's Aunt Kim. Grady is so cute (so are the girls, but his picture was the first one I saw.) Great story about Chase. What a pig! We still aren't in our house (well, sort of -- we are in the basement). We will be at Grump's house for the Christmas gathering on Dec 21. Hope to see you.
Cool...These are the kind of things that give us memories we can laugh at. I have 5 or 6 doggie/food stories in my life that make me laugh and give a warm glow in my heart.
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