My job was running a face painting booth with another person. SO fun!
Another reason it was so such a great time is that I got to watch my girl Mya actually PLAY BASKETBALL!!! Here she is....(number 30)
While raising funds, Leslie plans to educate the community about MS and address the challenges of everyone affected by MS. “I think it's important to show the many faces of this disease”. Leslie has had relapsing remitting MS since 2001 and lives a very active life. Leslie enjoys running, kayaking, dance, travel and riding her Harley. When Leslie was diagnosed she only knew one individual with a very advanced form of MS. “The diagnosis and management of MS needs to be understood so patients, caregivers, friends, and family have a better perspective and outlook towards MS” says Leslie.
MS is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system. Symptoms can range from numbness and tingling to paralysis or loss of vision. MS is the most common neurological disease in young adults in the United States today, and there are more than 18,000 people living in Michigan who have been diagnosed. Several fundraising events are held across Michigan each year to raise funds for MS research, services, and programs which enhance the lives of people with MS, and their families and friends.
Yes, I painted her face. Such a cutie, back in the day, she was Miss Muskegon/Ottawa! I've know her for nearly 10 years. She's also a Wheatland girl:)
This is my face painting partner, Angela. I had a lot of fun with her. We got together the Weds before to figure it all out and hang out at Leslie's while Les watch our the kids, 5 in all! The kids cant wait to do it again!
So I didn't want to be a freak and take pics of stranger's children, so I got mine and Mya's to pose for me. In case you're wondering, Grady refused to sit for me or Angela. little buggar. That's what you get with a two year old.
Great day, wish it had been a bit warmer, could have actually had some really great beach traffic, but the weather is just being strange.
I enjoyed the face painting so much that I could totally see doing it more regularly. I researched paint and techniques and safety. Its creative and fun and the kids I dealt with were really really good! I think I could totally see myself working a kids b-day party. What a blast! In the meantime, I'll just paint my kids faces just for fun:)
Jenn - you rock! Seriously awesome talent there, girlie! You should put your name out for Birthday parties and school carnivals, churches and stuff. I have seen facepainting before (even at the recent muskegon art fair) and nothing had the artistic flair that is shown here! How fun... you should get a booth at the North Muskegon art fair in August! (My mom and annie are there, if you want info, let me know!) I can tell you had a ball as well...
and how great it was for MS!
AWESOME pictures, thanks for sharing : )
The kids faces looked really great! You did an awesome! Anyone who can get a child to sit still long enough to do this is very talented! Keep up the great work..I may have to hire you for Madison's next b-day party!!!
wow! :) looks like so much fun! you are awesome - wish i could have gotten my face painted, too!
What fun! AND for such a good cause! Nice work... the faces look great :)
How cute! Who thought your talent could transfer over to face painting. Sounds like a wonderful day. You are a good friend.
YOU ARE HIRED!!! Allison loved the pictures and wants to know when you are available?!?!?
you did an awesome job, my girls would have went crazy to have there face painted so beautifully..
I love this post - simply because I am in it!! J/K
I had fun playing in the 3 on 3. But I did it ALL for Leslie. I truely felt like an old rusty machine the next two days after the touney. It was insane. I am just too old to do that kind of stuff -- well I shouldn't say that I am just way out of shape. They want me to play in the coast gaurd one now. Ugh...
On another note! The kids faces looked adorable. I LOVED THEM ALL. And, I love love love the picture of the 4 kids together. You did a GREAT job.
you totally rocked the paint, girl! especially love the eyes...first seen on leslie...I KNOW LESLIE! She dated a friend of Keith's and she became great friends with my girl, Amanda.{AJ} {i'm a racquets girl} She even celebrated my 30th with me...great girl. didn't know she has ms...would never have guessed. good for you for using your talents for such a good cause.
I would so hire you to do a party! Very talented, especially to do that kind of work on excited and wiggling kiddos! And what a great cause to volunteer for! =)
Totally awesome face paint! Want to come to Playworld in Grandville 8/6 for my Summer's birthday party? You could bring your kids too! It's on me!
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