Half day of school yesterday, and since the weather was
supposed to be fabulous, the kids and I ran errands and had lunch in the park. Except that it only got to about 45 degrees here at the lake. Crazy that only a couple miles inland ya'll had near 70! Jealous....But we made the best of it, and ate in the car before going out in the blustery day.

You can really see haw much your children have grown when seeing them on a playground for the first time in 6 months. Teagen was much braver than last year and wandered further from me than she ever has. Loving seeing her independence grow. It's hard in a way, but you know you have done something right in your parenting when they develop a bit of confidence.

Summer is a monkey. She does the monkey bars until she's got blisters on her hands.

This is a great park. Three different play sets for different size/age kids. And the best swings around(just ask Jason and Summer, my resident dare devils).

This was funny(sorta) Grady was climbing onto the bench and I was ready to take a pic of him sitting sweetly, when he rolled right through and onto the ground! It was Summer to the rescue(as usual) before I could gt there. Luckily, he landed right on his bum.

Soon these trees will be so thick with leaves and this park will be just beautiful. Love it here.
And here's a shot taken this morning for my mid-state folks....

Beach days are coming! Its already beautiful (those are people sitting on the shore!) and over the next few weeks the snow fence will be taken down. I think if we have a decent dry day later this week, we will go wander the shore and see if there are any treasures washed up.
Just have to keep Grady out of the lake...
It sure was a beautiful day yesterday! We had a great time outside..just had a hard time getting back in!! Can't wait for the weather to be nice and warm for many days in a row instead of 2!!
Glad you got to enjoy being outside! Too bad you couldn't get some of the warmth. I love the beach pic... I really do miss not being close to lake.
Love all the pictures. Sorry it was not warmer for you guys. I especially liked the picture/story of Grady falling through. Cute. Classic!
See you Saturday!!!!
I can not wait for our beach days. We are going to have to plan to meet at least once a week down there so we can all hang out and have fun. I know Chaley is missing Teagen. Our beach days together last summer were perfect. I can't wait to have more memories together with the kiddo's.
Sounds like you had a great time even if it was not as warm as you would have liked! My kids could not get enough of the beautiful weather!
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