Sunday, February 8, 2009


Happy Birthday Sis. This was as embarassing as I would go when it comes to posting a pic with me in it too;)


Lea said...

LOVE IT!!! :-D The nightgowns are adorable! I SO remember those!! Happy Birthday to Rachael!!

Mandy said...

So cute!! Happy Birthday Rachael!! Welcome to the 30's!

Shelly said...

How sweet, I love the ET back pack and the night gowns. Happy Birthday Rachael!!

Kristin said...

Happy 30th Birthday Rachael. Hope it is as good to you as your sister is:)!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes!! Thirty is not as bad as I thought...well except for my grey hairs. I used to dye my hair because I liked to change the color, now I have to! Hmm..makes me wonder how grey you are under all that blonde!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes!! Thirty is not as bad as I thought...well except for my grey hairs. I used to dye my hair because I liked to change the color, now I have to! Hmm..makes me wonder how grey you are under all that blonde!

Lisa said...

Love the old pictures! Dont you love how all our mom's took the easy route in them days and gave all of us bangs that went half way back our heads so they did'nt have to pull our hair back! You girls were (and still are) so cute! Happy 30 th Rachael!

Jodi said...

what do you think of Summer in those ear bangs? Everything old is new again...this girl mullet rocks. I'm making fun because you'll never find a picture like that of me...;)