My pregnancy with Teagen was our family's miracle. When I got preggo with her it was at a time I was thinking that maybe it just wasn't meant for us to have another baby.We can honestly say that we never tried for any of our kids. But the one pregnancy we did try so long for, was the one that miscarried December 03. I tracked my cycle and the whole bit. I didn't realize how devistating losing would be. So after that, I was DONE with the whole baby thing. Plus if we were to get pregnant, it would interfere with the family vacation that Jasons Dad and Stepmom were taking us on the next year. So we decided to wait a year. In April 04 I went to Florida with a big group of girlfriends. I think I truely relaxed for the 1st time in months. I felt so amazing when I got home. A month later I got pregnant. And that brings me to the posted photo. Wow. Like everyone says,it really has gone by so fast. But there we were, Feburary 22, 2005. We all went out for chinese for Gary's birthday. My "last meal" since I was having a c-section at 7am. I was terrified! Our life was SO nuts at the time. Summer and I were living in hotels and various homes of family while Jason and Brower refinished all the hardwood floors in my house. The dust and fumes we pretty bad, so we stayed away. Jason's whole family was at Disney that week on the vacation that we were ALL supposed to go on, but they wouldn't wait for us(I'm not bitter) And I find out 2 days before I am due that she is breech and too big to move. I cried and cried. Of course I went alone to that appointment. Thank God that I did not bring Summer, but it would have been nice to have Jay there. So I walked out of there shaking and crying like a blubbering fool. Call Jason in the car, still blubbering. I think I really scared him into thinking that there was something horribly wrong. No, the baby is just UPSIDEDOWN! Stubborn little bug. Some things never change:]
So I am living in those memories today. Amazes me how different my life is today, just 3 short years later.
Also its Gary's 30th today. Welcome to the club. Now every time I look at you, I am going to wonder if I look that old! ;)
It;s funny how years later we can still describe how we felt at certain moments in our lives. Mackenzie was my miracle baby after having 3 miscarriages I too had just given up and all of a sudden I'm pregnant again and it's a keeper. I could not imagine my life any diffently. It just goes to show us that the best things in life are not planned. Thanks for sharing!!!
Isn't it crazy how three years can make such a difference in our lives? I remember you telling me the story about Teagen, I just can't believe that it has been three years. Where does the time go? I completely agree, they are babies on minute and big people in little bodies the next. I am not sure how it happens. I am glad that you got your miracle baby. A precious angel like that SO DESERVES A GREAT MOM LIKE YOU!!!
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