And oh Grady. Poor kid. He has the mystery fever. I only noticed that he felt warm like last friday or so. Saturday he was pretty down but no symptoms of anything. Sunday he was all the way up to 103.5. The highest fever I have ever seen. Got it down with Mortin. Its wednesday and he is still warm. Acting normal. Its so weird. I just want it to be Spring so I can open the windows and we can actually go outside for more than 10 minutes. Leighton's been sick too, so today is the 1st day he's been here for a while and he still seems pretty ill. He's already such a little guy he can't afford to lose any more weight.
Oh yeah, and Jason almost broke his hand at work. Seriously if he was anyone else, it would be broke. But his bones are so strong (never had a broken bone and he has lived a crazy-boys' life) that he just suffered some pretty major contusions to his right hand. Of course that was the day it snowed like a foot in a matter of 3 hours. So I did some shoveling. Something I never do. His hand is better now. He's back to shoveling. I'm happy.
On a fun note, Grady is having a language explosion! It is so awesome. He is counting to 10(what?) and sorta sings along with the alphabet. He also is singing the Sponge Bob Theme Song. He has more words than I can keep count.Even a couple sentences,(sorta) "Get Down." and "Mama, up." He walks around with the phone and shouts "ELLO? garbble,garrbble,hmmph, BYE!" Sometimes he sound like one of those NYSE guys yelling "BUY!SELL!SELL!BUY!" into their cell phones. Its so funny. He is a very animated kid. And he understands everything we say. He can answer everything with yes or no. When he gets in a "NO" mood, we mess around with him and the other kids just crack up.Like, "Grady, do you want a new puppy?" NO. "Grady, do you want to go to DisneyWorld?" No. "Grady do you want a candy bar for dinner?" OK, this one he catches the word candy and is like "What?" Without a doubt 18 months has been my favorite age for all 3 kids. Of course its all fun, but this is an age of discovery and accomplishment. And watching it unfold is the best reward we ever get.
I also can't wait for spring, I am so tired of all the snow & sickness. The peeing her pants just to make you mad sounds like something Hailey would try it's funny how kids just know how to push our buttons sometimes.
I am laughing my butt off at " I peed on purpose" I love Teagen! I hope Grady is doing better. Grady and Reid are quite a pair with his "mystery fever" and Reid's "mystery rash"!
We have had the same type of things going on around our house. It seems like one sickness after another. We get over one thing just to get something else. Parker also had kind of a mystery fever too this past weekend, so maybe there is a weird virus going around? He did'nt really have any symptoms other than being really clingy. That is so funny about Grady talking on the phone!! How cute =)
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