OK,so not so much of a journal post, but more of a question for anyone reading. Something is not right with Summer. For a week she keeps having episodes of thinking she's going to throwup. Never does. Its always either in the morning or at night and has not lasted for more than an hour. Then shes totally fine. But durring an episode, she refuses to leave the bathroom fearing she will get sick. I ask where does she feel sick, is her tummy upset? No, then she points to the base of her throat and says its like something is stuck there. I wonder if this is a kids way of describing heartburn. So 11:30 at night on saturday I run up to Walgreen and get her childrens Pepto because she is just so miserable. Of course by the time I get home she is out cold and I can't even wake her to chew a couple tablets. Since then it has happened every morning and night. I even had to go get her from school today because it was still bad from this morning. The pepto does NOT seem to work. That was about 9:20 and shes totally fine now. Eating and the whole works. She goes to the Dr. today to get it checked out, but I worry that they will just give her meds and not try to figure out whats going on.
Does anyone have any experience with anything like this? None of my kids even spit up as babies, so if it is reflux, it is totally new and sudden. And she is almost Seven. Why is she having trouble now? Stress?
I'll post again later when I hear what the dr has to say.
1 comment:
if they can't find anything medically wrong with her my best guess would be stress or anxiety. Seems kinda strange for such a young child but Tyler has bouts with it to. Granted last time he acted like that he had strep throat, but usually he is upset about something. Good Luck and keep us posted. I'll be thinking about you...
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