Such a fun weekend(aside for the 7am Midnite Sun meeting on Sunday. Ugggh!) Our family is quite certain that I have completly lost my mind. I have been ranting since Grady's bday that I am DONE with parties! Too much stress, too much work and too much $$$. Generally I put on lunch and lots of apetizers. Do a huge cake or 2 cakes and then put together a theme with goodie bags. Then if 1 family has something come up, I'm suddenly short a bunch of kids and have WAY too much stuff. It happened to us twice last year when Brandon and Laura couldnt come kinda last minute. They have 4 kids. thats like 1/2 the party. Its alway totally beyond anyones control but it is still a total bummer.So I was done with parties. Cake and ice cream on the actual birthday. If you can make it, Great. If not, no big deal. No stress, very little $$. Totally didn't happen. A trip to Meijer sent me home with a bunch of food. Joan also offer to help and pitched in some wonderful food. Still no goodie bags, and I don't think the kids even noticed. A good compromise. I am a crazy woman. I don't think anyone would argue.
And Jason and I swear that she has grown up a lot just over the weekend. We joke that Teagen speaks "Teagenese" and only the members of our household are fluent. But all of a sudden her speach seems so clear and shes using complete sentences. One of our current favs is the use of the word "maybe". I hear it at least 25 times a day. It goes like this, "Mama, maybe I could have a drink of your pop?" or "Maybe I can get another yogurt?" We are totally enjoying all her quirkyness. Glad to have the terrible twos behind us(well for 6 months anyways)Glad to only have 1 in diapers. Excited to see whats next for us and watch this little family of ours grow up. Just not so fast!
First, I love the cake. Can I hire you? I am not just not good at that stuff. Maybe because I have three cakes in two weeks.
Second, I think three is worse than two. They are just as naughty, but know they are naughty. Drives me crazy!!!!
Third, thanks for the "honesty" on your blog. I love to read your blog; I can relate on so many levels. Parties are not what they are cracked up to be. Way to much time, energy and money put into them!
And last, thanks for sharing the story of Teagen. Happy 3rd Birthday Teagen!!!!
It looks like you had a great birthday party for Teagen and that she had a blast. I had to laugh at your post though because I swear I say the exact same thing after our birthday parties. The preparation is so stressful. The cleaning, baking, decorating, shopping, everthing about sends me over the edge!! The end result and seeing their happiness makes it worth it though. Also I just loved reading about how there came to be a Teagen. Totally proves that some of the best things in life arent planned. (Oh and I had a c-section for my 2nd also, I think we totally got the raw end of the deal, a bad bladder to look forward to & an incision scar! =))
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