The 2nd photo is "The CRAZY House" This house is a 1/2 mile from us and is indeed crazy. Its on Shuller(I think) off Laketon near the lake. Their yard and lot is COVERED with the tackiest stuff in Christmas history AND WE LOVE IT. We've been calling it "The CRAZY House" for 10 years, since Jason and I moved to Muskegon. Summer fell in love as a toddler and now if we are out past dark and no one is crying, we have to drive past it. I think we have been past 4 or 5 times this year already. These people just want to make all the little kids happy and it is just awesome.
Gotta work for 4 hours tonight. I've got a stop to make to get a gift on my way in. Going to take my X-mas cards to work and hopefully if its as slow as yesterday I can get them mostly done! Jason is out grocery shopping ( love that) And I am making lunch for my babes. Have a great weekend!
When the girls were younger we used a cute stitched nativity advent calendar. It hard cute pockets that I put three m&m's in. Kids love traditions and doing them together. Now the girls and I spend a day baking goodies and that's fun. Enjoy every single moment.
The calendar is such a neat idea and we always take the kids by that same house. We usually put lights up and we have done nothing my husband blames it on the cold weather I just think that the mood has not been right.
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