Yesterday did not turn out as planned, thanks to the horrible weather. We were supposed to go to My Grandpa Freed house for the early afternoon in Grand Ledge and then go to Jason's Mom's in Grand Rapids for the evening. It was decided that it would be too dangerous to drive to my Grandpas and my dad didnt even want us to leave Donna's and drive from there. Well, it was pretty scary, but we made it. It took forever. Jason did great. He is amazing under pressure and a great driver(DO NOT TELL HIM I HAVE ADMITTED THIS) Seriously we would be behind taillights and then they would just totally dissappear. I am so bummed not to see my two preggo cousins and everyone else at my Grandpas but the risk is NOT worth anything. But we had a great time at Donna and Marks. the 1st photot is all the Schultz kids.Jason's Bro has 4, Alesha has 2 and then our 3. What a group. Good time, Good food, and the kids and everyone were totally spoiled. My photos stink. I hate taking indoor pictures. I miss all the shots with the grandparents.Oh,well.
Today i have to bake a pineapple upside down cake for the Gilchrist party at 5pm in Whitehall , and then rush off to Flanders (Cindys fam) in Montague. Whew..crazy last part of our day, but we wouldn't miss any of it. Its Tradition!
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