Wishing all Health, Safety and PEACE in 2008!!! Cheers!
Monday, December 31, 2007
And A Happy New Year
Wishing all Health, Safety and PEACE in 2008!!! Cheers!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas Morning
The morning was fun. After gifts we lazed around for a while, munched and played. finally got around to getting ready for my Dads. They spoiled us as usual and went way overboard. I will have to take a photo of my new carving from my dad and post it. It is amazing. How can his stuff keep getting better? Anyway, we had a great dinner and too much dessert. Dad and Cindy loved on the kiddos for a while and then when babies started to get grumpy we all left.
Grady wound up getting sick that night. 103.5 temp and crabby. No other symptoms of anything. Weird. Maybe teeth (those dang molars) but that seems way to high a temp for teeth. Now Jason and I are under the weather. We always get sick together and him way worse! I am fighting this cold with everything I got... tea, vitamins, oranges, water, juice. We will see. I am going to bed now to see if I can sleep some of it off.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Grandma Donna's
Today i have to bake a pineapple upside down cake for the Gilchrist party at 5pm in Whitehall , and then rush off to Flanders (Cindys fam) in Montague. Whew..crazy last part of our day, but we wouldn't miss any of it. Its Tradition!
These are a few of my Favorite things...
My Hand-made Christmas gifts. Starting with the 1st one A stocking made in 1978 from my Gramma A. So adorable. Then the next 2 photos are my annual Santas from my Grandpa and Grandma Freed. We got one each year once we get married. I won an extra one as a draw gift one year. What a bonus! The next photo w/ three santas are ones my dad made.His style is totally different from my grandpa and I LOVE it.
Grandma Marion (Cindy's Mom) makes the felt stockings and have so much fine detail, and our regular family stockings come from Jason's mom and are made by a family friend. I have tons more handmade gift that I totally treasure but then this would go on forever! I just know how lucky I am to have such talented people in my life. Thank you for sharing all that with my little house. My appreciation for all things homemade come from all of you!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Well, here is yet another winter tradition in our house. Jason and Summer started this one last year. Covering the windows with paper snowflakes. I really love this one because we can keep them up past Christmas. I add some paper doilie hearts when Valentine's Day is close. The best part is that everyone can make paper snowflakes ( Ok, not Grady yet) Its as crafty as Jason gets and even my Dad made a couple when they babysat for us. Now we have lights up on the house and around the front windows and the snow flakes look even better!
I am so LOVING hearing every ones traditions. people are posting them on their blogs and its so fun to see your own twist on the holidays and everyday life. Please keep sharing!
Friday, December 14, 2007
The 2nd photo is "The CRAZY House" This house is a 1/2 mile from us and is indeed crazy. Its on Shuller(I think) off Laketon near the lake. Their yard and lot is COVERED with the tackiest stuff in Christmas history AND WE LOVE IT. We've been calling it "The CRAZY House" for 10 years, since Jason and I moved to Muskegon. Summer fell in love as a toddler and now if we are out past dark and no one is crying, we have to drive past it. I think we have been past 4 or 5 times this year already. These people just want to make all the little kids happy and it is just awesome.
Gotta work for 4 hours tonight. I've got a stop to make to get a gift on my way in. Going to take my X-mas cards to work and hopefully if its as slow as yesterday I can get them mostly done! Jason is out grocery shopping ( love that) And I am making lunch for my babes. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Oh, Christmas Tree
This is Tigger(on the TV) Teagen and our sweet little tree. I do love this little tree even though its fake. At this point in life it is necessary. TO many little kids and dogs. Even the cat leaves it alone. I don't have to worry about Grady filling his cheeks with pine needles. Our ceilings are so high that if we didn't put the tree on the little table, it would just look ridiculous. I have to say that Christmas Morning this tree is awesome with all the gift piled up underneath. My only concern is that the poor thing may collapse due to the sheer volume of ornament that it displays!
One day when we move, it will become the "kids tree" and hold only kid-made ornaments and then we will get a REAL family tree. Sorry my photo is so cruddy. I took it last night while the kids watched some specials on TV. Did anyone else see the Shrek Christmas? I only saw part of it but it was funny! Grady was laughing so hard he kept falling over!
Monday, December 10, 2007
After cookies, we ate tacos that Julie made and had brownies my Gramma made for desert ( like we needed desert, but at least we didn't eat MORE cookies!) The kids got some GREAT books for gifts and I recieved a beautiful piece of wall art made by my Gramma(picture later) and a fun tree Peacock from my Aunt Linda that I think will be living in my studio after the holiday. We all had a great time. The kids love seeing their big cousins (Summer chattered about them the whole way home) I have more reading material sent by Julie,and Jason got some special cookies from Gramma, just for him. Our drive was easy and even fun. Lots of talking and listening to X-Mas music. Cookie Day is our Holiday kick-off. I can see now that at the Schultz House, Christmas is HERE!!
Friday, December 7, 2007
You have to check this out
Click on Nitty Gritty over to the right. She has just posted an awesome story about a great loss in her life. Her blog is SO inspirational. I cry almost every time I read it. Please check her out! It will change your day!
What matters most
OK, the messy house drives me nuts. But I decided a long time ago that time spent enjoying my family if far more important than a perfect house. Life is too short and I don't want to miss a thing! What would my Mom have done if she had known that at 30 that she would be gone in 3 years? It wouldn't have been dusting, I know that for sure. Now, I realize that its irresponsible to live each day like its your last(or else I would be maxing out credit cards all over town!) But I think we can all apply some of that saying to our lives and really benefit. It goes along with "don't sweat the small stuff". Sometimes I need to step back and take in the entire picture to see what matters most.
Well today is a busy one. I am finishing up some secret projects(gifts), I have to pack for everyone for our trip to Mason tomorrow, and I just found out that Jason has to fly to Wisconsin next Weds for work, and I need to figure out if I am working or not and how to deal with that! And I thing Jason and I will play "Rock-Paper-Scissors" to see who is stuck grocery shopping and getting my Jeep an oil change.
So have a great weekend, I'm grabbin' my coffee and gettin' GOin'!!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
One Crazy Week
This weekend...Friday night Jason and Summer are going to literacy night at her school. And Saturday morning we take off for Mason for COOKIE DAY with my Mom's side of the family. I love Cookie Day. Kicks off the season and its so fun. I will post pics and explain this tradition when we get back. What kind jof traditions do you have? what traditions do you want to start? I have a few that we do just at my house that I will share next week.
The photo above was an outtake from our x-mas photo shoot. I did get some good ones...you can view them in you mailbox in about two weeks!
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