She is. Our baby pics are almost
interchangeable. My eyes have heavier lids but they are the same blue. My hair was a bit lighter as a little one, so that is part she got from Jay. My little Tee-Tee. She'll be 3 in a month. Wow. We have been so lazy about potty training and then the holidays and all the traveling we did just made it impossible to start. Well, over the weekend we got serious and she is totally not having ANY accidents. Even at nap. We trained her in 2 days. Amazing. That was so much easier than starting Summer at 2 yrs old and it taking 6 months! Rachael's kids used to go to a doctor that i hated but she did give Rachael ONE good piece of advice..."you can start at 18 months or at 30 months. either way almost all kids are potty trained by their 3rd birthday." I am so done with sweating my kids' progress. I am lucky that they are so bright but
Teagen didn't walk until she was almost 17 months old! Grady was 15 months. I was sick over
Teagen not walking. The Dr. sent a
therapist to my house to watch her and everything. I was like 7 month pregnant and still carrying her around everywhere. But the thing is that SHE IS FINE.
Teagen is stubborn. I am learning to love this aspect of her personality. She's tough and not a follower. I hope it stays with her.
Today I had that lovely ANNUAL doctors appointment.good stuff. Not how I
prefer to spend an afternoon, but whatever. Its a good feeling to get that little postcard in the mail with a clean bill of health. As I entered my 30s, its impossible not to think of cancer occasionally. My guess is that everyone does. We all know someone who has been ill or lost someone. It takes on a different meaning when you have a family.
On a happier note, I have a hot date with my hunky hubby friday night! MIL is in town and is sending us out. Who knows what we will do.We have like $50 to spent at the cinema, but we never want to go because we just wanna talk all night and that doesn't go over too well in a theater. Who knows...who cares! Its gonna be fun!
Yeah for Teagan!! I never could understand the whole rush to potty train, the first month or so is hard. Always reminding them, every store or restuarant you go in they have to check out the facilities! =) Have fun on your date tonight. I need one of them!
You are both adorable! :)
I too have a hot date tonight! Dinner and then who knows what. Hope you have fun!
YAY! for dates! It's so nice when we get that break from the kiddos. I found that I overstressed over potty training with the first two but didn't push it with the second two and they both potty trained themselves right before their third birthdays. I think it's because they want to be like the "big" kids in the house.
You two are way too adorable, I never worried so much about the whole potty training thing I usually waited until they were ready. I hear you about the whole Cancer thing, it seems that there has been alot of that going around with people are age, scarey stuff, thats why it is so important for us girls to keep up on our check ups, as much as we may hate them. The older I get the more I worry about stuff like that.. Hope you enjoyed Date Night....
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