It snowed like crazy here last night. So, when I got up I turned on the TV to check school closings. Not that
Muskegon EVER closes school, but the one time they did close last year, I took her to school. Anyway, Channel 13 says something about
Bluffton so I get on the website. Sure enough, they say closed. Now at 10am I get an automated message from the principal saying there was a mistake and there IS school today. So I feel like a bad person because I am not sending her. I would have to walk her into the office which means I would have to bring the little ones inside which means we would ALL have to get out of our
PJs. ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Grady's almost ready for his 1st nap. We are packing for the girls overnight with Grandma & Grandpa. I may even get Summer to clean her room.
Oops..she just read that and is not too happy! Too bad!
That's what you get for skipping school!
I would not have sent her either! So not worth it. Sometimes, it is nice just to be home and cleaning your bedroom:)! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Did you and Jason do something special??
By the way, super sweet picture of Summer!!!
I would have done the same thing. Sometimes I have even kept my kids home even if they did not close the school because I felt the weather was to bad. Hope you enjoyed your day with your daughter.
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