Teagen's day was pretty action packed, but really its the way to do it for preschoolers. And most importantly, keep it simple, make it special. Right? All I can say is thank the Lord for Family Fun Magazine that arrived about a week before her birthday. They covered my class treat and her special cupcakes(at the end of this post). Here are the treats:

we have a milk allergy kid in her class. He is really sweet about not caring when he cannot have chocolate of whatever, but I like to try to find things that include everyone. Skittles+

If you cant tell, its snack size baggies with clothespin butterfly bodies. The instructions called for glue and glitter sprinkling on the bodies, but I was able to find sheets of
self adhesive glitter foam that I just cut in strips and covered the clothespins. add googly eyes and pipe cleaners(fold the tips of the
pipecleaner so they are not so
pokey) clip in the middle of the baggie and ta-
da! Butterflies. What a hit. We now use the bodies as chip clips.(
btw- you can get the baggies,eyes,
pipecleaners and clothespins ALL at
Dollartree. The glitter foam sheets are at the
walmart. Easy-

And because I am insane, I invited the girls from
Teagen PreK to our house for lunch on her actual birthday. On a Tuesday. In the middle of the day. When I am alone. With no help. When I have a three year old son. When I worked 4 days straight before the party. After I had a root canal. And I am a total baby. and I promised
facepainting. ON A TUESDAY. A.L.O.N.E. what is wrong with me?
Thank you to the 3 moms who hung around. thank you thank you thank you.

wasn't bad. It could have been. I know from experience. When Summer was in
PreK, I invited her entire class(because her friends were mostly boys). I think 10 showed. All dropped off, some getting picked up
WAAAYY late. Rachael helped me with that one, but we were both SUPER pregnant and
Teagen was a baby. That was one of my craziest moments ever. EVER.
(lovin that BK crown, arnt you? They get them in class. Tea really thought it was somethin'. We dont do BK around here much.)
A cutie face...

Anyway, advice from a party mom:
Simple is GOOD. I planned on pizza, but at the last minute I decided to do tea sandwiches of Nutella, jam, and peanutbutter. I had a bowl of cheetos and a plate of fruit. I also had on the table the leftover skittles and starburst, and a little dish of plastic jewel ring I found for a buck. The cupcakes we on a cake stand, I used 2 dollar store table cloths, layered and bought cheap as heck valentine leftover napkins and table supplies. IF YOU HAVE GIRLS, GO CRAZY AT THE AFTER VALENTINES DAY SALES. Everything I bought was all rainbow-y with hearts and just super cute. And extremely cheap. Like less than a dollar. I have a set of paper lantern that I put up, stuck some balloons to the chairs. DONE.
I did this all in the 3 hours she is in school. not bad.

So all we did was have lunch, play, open gifts, play and
facepaint, and then cake and
icecream. I planned on a game, but the girls had more fun just playing together. It goes to show that not every minute needs to be planned out.
Oh and I did
goodie bags(barbie makeup I purchased at 80% off after Xmas!!) as parting gifts.
brilliant idea for 4 year
olds that
dont want to leave:)

Later that day, we had a more relaxed family evening of gifts and dinner out. Chinese!

I think it was
Teagen's barbie year.

The Cupcakes!! Totally
recommend. They were beautiful! Its a white cake that you mix up and divide into 6 bowls. Tint the colors of the rainbow, and layer by spoonfuls into cupcake liners. Easy with an awesome outcome.
A special day for my girl. She is such an awesome kid. I'll have to do her 5 year
photoshoot this week. Cannot believe that munchkin is 5!!!
oh oh oh..you did the cupcakes from family fun! I love that idea and it's on our list to do this weekend! I am glad yours turned out swell! What a great job on her party mom! You truly are the best mom!! So much fun!!Happy 5th birthday Teagan!!!
Great job MOM!!! Fantastic really:)!!! Love it all as usual.
Happy Birthday Tea!!!
I forgot one last thing - Happy 5th Birthday Teagen!!!
You are amazing! You really could write a book including all these fun things you do for your kids. But instead you share all your secrets for FREE. I might have to hire you when it comes time to plan some of Kate's parties. We kept it pretty simple this year but I definitely see some rainbows and glitter in her future.
okay, so now that i actually know someone who made the cupcakes {and they turned out} so i will try them out...who wouldn't love them??
i am crazy over the self adhesive glitter foam. walmart ROCKS. and dollar tree...i found crazy amazing stuff there at christmas.
the party stuff all looks amazing!!!! i expect nothing less from you. ;)
happy birthday, teagan.
Wow, that is really fun stuff you did for Teagen and her party. You are creative and you work hard. Your kids will remember.
Boy, I need your help for Kristy's open house...
Love the butterflies!! Might have to steal your idea sometime.
You sure know how to throw a kids party Jennie!! Looks like everything turned out great and the cupcakes were awesome!
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