I have a lot of memories of third grade. Moving to a new school, having a difficult teacher, few friends, and worse. I really hope things are easier for my kids. Summer is just so sweet and sensitive. Its sad that other kids her age already know how to take advantage of that kind of personality. I think she has gotten a bit tougher over the summer, but only time will tell.
Good luck to the moms like me who miss their kids when they are in class. I will say that it's getting easier. What I don't like is being at the mercy of a school's schedule. Drives me crazy! My kids have to be at two different schools at the same time. This should be interesting....
If you call those pics bad...wow! :-) She is definitely beautiful girl! I too have memories of 3rd grade that to this day - haunt me. I started in Whitehall in 3rd grade and have very mixed memories..good, bad, ugly.
Thanks for sharing!
First, I for one am very glad that you came to Whitehall in 3rd grade:)!!
Your girl is beautiful with WONDERFUL blue eyes!!!!
She will do great, yes she is a sweet girl...don't ever think that is a negative. You have raised a caring girl that has feelings...a great thing if you ask me!!
What a beautiful girl! Here's to a great 3rd grade year!!
Jennie she is beautiful and Love the blue eyes! I hope that the rest of the week goes better than the first day.
Who did you have in the third grade? I am very curious!
She is a beautiful 3rd grader and she will do fine, I worry for my kids to because I remember how cruel others can be, but some how we always got through it just as we may have to help them get through tough situations.
Summer looks so tall. Those thin legs have me all in a tizzy...I know, she's only in third grade, but man...I NEVER had that! Good lookin' girl there, Jennie. ;)
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