5 bags of cotton candy that you can get at any Dollar Tree(5 was too much, three would have been fine, as you can see mine are double dippers!)
The cone shaped treat bags can be found in the party supplies at Hobby Lobby for 1.99 for 24.
**you can also fill the cones with m&ms, but I skipped that because we have a milk allergy in Teagen's class.
stuff a bit of cotton candy in the cone and then just stack a little on top for your "scoops" drop in bags and tie with whatever you have laying around.
I found the idea online somewhere, but cannot find the link. I'm creative, but not that creative;)
Here is a pic from yesterdays party of Teagen and her best friend.
And I leave you with a Valentine message written to Summer from her best friend:
Roses are Red, Lilacs are fine
Valentine will you be mine?
The Sun is Yellow
Your hair Smells like Jello.
Well, I guess she has been using mango shampoo....
I remember seeing the cotton candy idea in one of my kid cookbooks! What a great idea! Of course you always make it look so much better!!
I love the Valentine poem! So very cute!!
Jello??? I ♥ it!!!
Almost as much as I love the ice cream idea. Too fun. I think I will be stealing this idea for the twins birthday next month...if you don't mind?!?!?
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