We were not off to a good start this year. Wednesday we went to a movie with our friends and that night, the SICKNESS hit our house. I was up all night with Teagen who was running a fever, and Summer, who was worried that we all had Swine Flu. Before you think we are totally pathetic for getting all crazy over a fever, let me remind you that we rarely even have runny noses here. These kids just dont know how to be sick, and they get scared. If someone happens to vomit, all hell breaks loose and it is the talk of the town for a month. Anyway, Teagen missed her class party, her 1st class party ever(at least she had no idea what she was missing) but the teacher asked if I wanted to stop in and get the art projects they were doing. So I did, and also got a tray of goodies and treat bags for each of the kids. There were enough art projects for all three kids to work on. LOVE that pre-school!!
Summer's party was Friday, so I painted her face before school. Amazingly, it lasted all day beautifully!!

Oh, she was a "funky green fairy".

She left her wings at school, so we had to steal a pair from another costume and ended up borrowing a really cool pair from Aunt Rae. I would also like to mention that she ripped her tights and had some crud on her shirt. And she didnt even eat at the school party! I was really frustrated, let me tell ya.
Here are our Jack-O-Lanterns-
Summer's 1st...



And Grady's/mine...

Everyone was fever free by Saturday AM, so we ventured out for trick-or-treating. 1st was a stop to Grandma Joan's and Grandpa Bob's. They fed us and gave the kids loot bags.

Summer's facepaint changed for Saturday.

Hmmmm...another random pic of out pumpkins. Wasnt supposed to go here, but oh well.

I think Batman started to lose it. He was really tired and no acting himself. Smeared the heck out of his mask.

Then we went a few houses down and hit Grandpa Bill's home. Quarters and Candy from Grandpa. He's a good man and had Snicker's for me.
I have a thing for mini snickers. I eat em frozen, and nearly break my teeth. Love it.

Then finally we meet up with the Burns' at my Dad's. Cindy had cups of Oreos for the kiddos(the very 1st thing they all ate once we were home).

Reid was a duck hunter and Kennedy was a nurse.

And Grady was in a daze...

We trick-or-treated a little subdivision our Friend Holly live in in North Muskegon. It was so cold that the little ones were done early. Summer carried on with Aunt Rae and even did another street on the way home. We stopped at out neighbors and it still wasn't even 8pm.
That night, Jason started feeling cruddy and sure enough, he got it now too. So that's really everyone except me. Summer never had a full blown fever, but she lost most of her voice for a few days. How I have managed to steer clear so far is beyond me. Hopefully I can completely dodge this one!