Anyway, I'll try to condense this the best I can. We left 5am Sunday morning, so that the kids would sleep part of the super long drive. We stopped at lots of rest areas and a Mc Donalds too.
Crossing the bridge is always a bit of a "thing" for me. A bit scary.
Out first stop in the UP was the Garlyn Zoo. Very nice and surprisingly lots of different animals.
These little babies were so sweet.
These babies were a bit less sweet.
Then it was to the House to see where we would be staying the next week of our lives...
Some of our outings...
Big Spring is awesome. You cross the spring on a raft that you can see to the bottom of the crystal clear water.
Then Fayette. An old ghosts town. Absolutely beautiful.
Summer and I snuck down to the shoreline for some exploring.
And its just not vacation for us if there is not a beach day. Even with the lake a mile from the house, we still needed to see our beloved Lake Michigan for a day.
Another day trip was to take a shipwreck tour on a glass bottom boat on Lake Superior.
Some waterfalls there...
And again some falls in Munising.
Couldnt resist this one of after the kid went to bed one night. Note Brandon's tiny coffee cup. there was NOT COFFEE in there.
Pictured Rocks.
Bob, my FIL.
One of my personal favorite views;)
Another adventure to Oswalds Bear Ranch. Very cool place. Apparently its so nice, wild bears try to get in there!
My rain drenched family with Mary the cub. As the guy was handing me my camera, Mary licked Teagen right up her face!
And here are the vacationers...
Brandon and Laura.
Us! Jason and Jenn.
Owen( Alesha's youngest)
Jeremy, Dillon and Nick.
Jeremy again.
The "big" girls, Celina and Rachael.
I think all I am missing is Alesha. Owen was a bit high maintence that week so I think she was pretty busy with him most of the time. I cant believe I dont have a shot of her!
Art project time...
wow, fun trip!! You guys did some of the same stuff we did. Was this cabin a rental? And you Have to teach me how to put my pics where I want them and be able to write under the right one. Mine never works!
Wheew...I was so afraid you were lost or something? I have been up to the bear habitat and loved petting the baby bears. What a beautiful cabin and right on the water! Absolutely looked like a ton of fun!
I have been waiting for this one! What a great trip! It brought back a lot of memories on my long trips to see my Grandparents in Houghton and Hancock. By the way, I make pasties, from scratch, and Rusty LOVES them with gravy too...and me, I prefer lots of butter and ketchup! Thanks for sharing, it sounds like a fun time!
First, great to have you back, I really have missed your'em!! Second, love all the always wonderful beautiful! Looks like you guys had a great trip and had tons to do! I can't wait to hear all about it in person's usually better!! :) See ya soon!!
Makes me want to do some UP excursions. I guess I never realized there was so much to do! The ghost town looked awesome. Glad you had fun!
Hi Jennie,
That is so great that Jason's family does the vacation thing together. I want to do that when my girls get older. You guys did some fun stuff in the U.P. Gotta love it up there.
Hugs to the kids.
Love Julie
looks like a GREAT time! It makes me want to head UP there soon! I have a question...on all adventures you took...was that just Jay, you and your kids or was it the entire clan? either way looks like fun!
That brings back a lot of UP memories for me. Except many of those spots my parents would never stop at. We had to get to the cabin, no stopping!
Wow what a great Vaction! That cabin is beautiful!! Glad you all had such a great time and have such great pictures to look back at!
totally dig the tourist attire...little bandana hair scarves and big sunlasses!! the best. also GREAT pics of the scenery. usually not a fan since the real deal is always way better than the photo!! glad you're back on here...missed ya!
wow what a wonderful vacation. I love all of the pics!
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