Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Card OUTTAKES

I dread taking the holiday photo.
I just want them to look as good as I know they really do. But with 3 kids, someone is always in a mood. Or they all happen to be in a mood. As they all were last Wednesday, when I learned that it would be the last time we would have a partly sunny day for a while. Good as any time, right? So here are my fave outtakes. Going through the 200 shots on my Camera just killed me. I laughed and giggled. These are some crazy people I am raising.
Teagen refused to have her picture taken unless she could hold a little kitty toy. Which is fine except kitty kept getting in the photograph.

In Summer's defense, there was a cold wind making her eyes water. and this is really the only "bad" pic of her. Except that I kinda did her hair weird and couldn't tell until I went through the pics.

I have nothing to say. He is one funny boy. I got 1 only half way decent picture of this kid(out of at least 60). I will try again;)

Also not cooperating....

So cute, and then there is Grady's ear. What a frame hog!

Seriously I have no idea what happened here. It looks like I told them that Christmas was canceled. Or that someone died. This is truly the greatest weird shot ever.

Again, whats with the scowls? Look at just Teagen. It like she's turned to stone.

I promise, I got a few OK shots. But I absolutely had to share these. There is just too much personality here to pass up.
I love these people.


Mandy said...

Glad to see I am not the only one who struggles! But seriously these pictures are priceless....Grady is such a character is must be a real treat having him around to keep you smiling!!!

Mya said...

Too cute. I too tried to take advantage of the sunshine with my photo's on Wednesday & Thursday. Needless to say I did not get a great shot of my kids. Believe it or not I had issues with my oldest not wanting to cooperate. The little one did great. Ugh..the joys of pictures. Grady dude is so dang cute. Can I just bring him home with me for a little while????

Jennifer Witham Buck / Graceful Expressions said...

So cute! Don't you love digital? 200 pictures in the matter of minutes, and you have them all saved! The kids will love to look back on these one day. I can't wait to see the final image that you choose!
(PS CONGRATS on winning - I did not post on your last blog. That is so awesome, you are so deserving of that recognition! Way to go!)

Theresa said...

Try it with 4! My header pic is one of the best shots I could get when I was taking advantage of the sunshine (in the beginning of November!). Tony seems to always have something in his hand!

Your pictures turn out great! I am sure you got at least 1 out of 200 (or so) shots that will work! I usually does take lots of funny or goofy ones to get at least one good one!

Jodi said...

Congrats on the challenge...I forgot to add that.

I have some doosies (sp??) of my own from this weekend...(pics)

Caleb asked me if I could just take a pic of him and Andrew for the cards since Kyle wouldn't cooperate.

Lea said...

I just giggled while reading this! I only have 2..but BOY are they such complete opposites it's VERY difficult to get a decent pic. The actually did REALLY well at Paris. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post them because they are copyright protected. (I know..I know..."They ALL do it") However, copyright protection is part of my job so it's embedded in my brain!! HA~

Kristin said...

I love ALL of them. I have given up on ever thinking that you can get ALL three of them to be "lookin' good" at the same time. You shoot for Jimmy's two out of three and hope the third is looking "ok". It is funny, the pictures that I hated at the time (of taking them) are the ones I love the most now. They actually "represented" them really well...their naughtyness (sp?) and all. Boy, do I have "naughtyness" at Camp Chaos:)!!!

Lisa said...

Love them, every one of them! I cant wait to do mine, always such an adventure. =)